John Bevere Quotes

John Bevere Quotes with Images

John Bevere Quotes

God is waiting to satisfy us, yet His goodness will not satisfy us if we are already full of other things.

We don't want to merely obey God: we need to catch His heart. It is then we will glimpse the wisdom behind His directives, and not just see them as laws.

We must always keep in mind all legitimate authority is from God, and is given for protection, provision, and peace.

Love forgets wrongs so that there is hope for the future.

The greater hardship you endure, the greater the authority God entrusts to you.

True honor is an outflow from a heart that fears God.

We all have life-defining moments. They are like open-book tests, but we don't know we have been examined until it is over.

We don't honor just to get a reward; we honor because it is the heart of God, and it is our delight.

Godly fear, faith, and humility is the true threefold cord that can’t easily be broken.

Physical maturity is bound to time. Spiritual maturity is bound to obedience.

Simply put, the promises of God are not automatic; they must be acquired by faith.

The man or woman who doesn't forgive has forgotten the price that Christ paid for them on the Cross.

The Spirit of God is jealous over us; He doesn't want superficial fellowship, but genuine intimacy.

God is seeking those who hear His call to a life of worship. Those who heed are those who will walk in His presence. They will know Him intimately as He will manifest Himself to them.

If we don’t risk being hurt, we cannot give unconditional love. Unconditional love gives others the right to hurt us.

Our response to an offense determines our future.

When we oppose God's delegated authority, we oppose God Himself.

True humility is absolute obedience and dependence on God. It puts Him first, others second, and ourselves third in all things.

Grace gives us the power to live, and mercy keeps us free from guilt, condemnation, and shame.

An offended heart is the breeding ground of deception.

God doesn't author hardship but uses it to strengthen us for greater conquests. He never leads us into a storm that He doesn't give us the power to overcome.

We are like horses that must be broken; basically that one should submit to a pastor even if he is wrong.

Behold, I have refined you, but not as silver; I have tested you in the furnace of affliction.

There is no other way to know good from evil, right from wrong, unless we have His Word dwelling richly in our heart. It's good for us to spend time in His Word.


Jesus never gave advice

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God is waiting to satisfy us, yet His goodness will not satisfy us if we are already full of other things.
We don't want to merely obey God: we need to catch His heart. It is then we will glimpse the wisdom behind His directives, and not just see them as laws.
We must always keep in mind all legitimate authority is from God, and is given for protection, provision, and peace.
Love forgets wrongs so that there is hope for the future.
The greater hardship you endure, the greater the authority God entrusts to you.
True honor is an outflow from a heart that fears God.
We all have life-defining moments. They are like open-book tests, but we don't know we have been examined until it is over.
We don't honor just to get a reward; we honor because it is the heart of God, and it is our delight.
Godly fear, faith, and humility is the true threefold cord that can’t easily be broken.
Physical maturity is bound to time. Spiritual maturity is bound to obedience.
Simply put, the promises of God are not automatic; they must be acquired by faith.
The man or woman who doesn't forgive has forgotten the price that Christ paid for them on the Cross.
The Spirit of God is jealous over us; He doesn't want superficial fellowship, but genuine intimacy.
God is seeking those who hear His call to a life of worship. Those who heed are those who will walk in His presence. They will know Him intimately as He will manifest Himself to them.
If we don’t risk being hurt, we cannot give unconditional love. Unconditional love gives others the right to hurt us.
Our response to an offense determines our future.
When we oppose God's delegated authority, we oppose God Himself.
True humility is absolute obedience and dependence on God. It puts Him first, others second, and ourselves third in all things.
Grace gives us the power to live, and mercy keeps us free from guilt, condemnation, and shame.
An offended heart is the breeding ground of deception.
God doesn't author hardship but uses it to strengthen us for greater conquests. He never leads us into a storm that He doesn't give us the power to overcome.
We are like horses that must be broken; basically that one should submit to a pastor even if he is wrong.
Behold, I have refined you, but not as silver; I have tested you in the furnace of affliction.
There is no other way to know good from evil, right from wrong, unless we have His Word dwelling richly in our heart. It's good for us to spend time in His Word.
Jesus never gave advice