Julia Alvarez Quotes
Julia Alvarez Quotes with Images
Julia Alvarez Quotes with Images
It doesn't make any sense. If the SIM are policemen, secret or not, shouldn't we trust them instead of being afraid of them?
Depression is always in the details.
Marjorie Agosin proves the power of the word to transport us to the center of her humane and human vision.
Terrence, the Roman slave who freed himself with his writings, once observed, "I am a human being. Nothing human is alien to me." That could be the motto of literature!
I think it is important to know how to teach new material to help young people grow and learn.
Literature is about being a complex, contradictory human being.
Reading is a way to take in the difficult situations and understand them. The whole point of reading a book in class is to have discussion about what these situations are like.
Reading and thoughtfulness and openness are the best way, I should think, to begin to address the richness that is in each of us.
How we lie to ourselves when we've fallen in love with the wrong man.
Independence didn't have to be exile.
When we read, even if the characters are tragic or sad or disturbing, these are our brothers and sisters in the human family.
There is no end to what can be said about the world
The elasticity of imagination and compassion is what writing and reading promote.
Schools provide safe spaces to talk about controversial issues, and literature presents characters portraying human experience in all its richness and contradictoriness.
Every writer can tell you that a book is only truly alive when it finds passionate readers who bring it alive in their imaginations.
I admit that for me love goes deeper than the struggle, or maybe what I mean is, love is the deeper struggle.
Everyone needs a strong sense of self. It is our base of operations for everything that we do in life.
A book does not discriminate against any reader. All are welcome at the table of literature.
Don't plan it all. Let life surprise you a little.
A novel is not, after all, a historical document, but a way to travel through the human heart.
I write to find out what I am thinking. I write to find out who I am. I write to understand things.
Each of us will have to make the choices that allow us to be the largest versions of ourselves.
The point is not to pay back kindness but to pass it on.