Kelly Ripa Quotes

Best 20+ Kelly Ripa Messages, Quotes, and Images

Kelly Ripa Thoughts

Kelly Ripa Thoughts

I'd rather not have a moment when I'm known for my looks; being funny and interesting lasts longer.

Author: Kelly Ripa

Kelly Ripa Quotes Images

Kelly Ripa Quotes Images

I think children are like pancakes. You sort of ruin the first one, and you get better at it the second time around.

Author: Kelly Ripa

Kelly Ripa Messages

Kelly Ripa Messages

I had a picture-perfect childhood. My parents were like June and Ward Cleaver; there was nothing dysfunctional about them.

Author: Kelly Ripa

Short Kelly Ripa Quotes

Short Kelly Ripa Quotes

If there's cheesecake in the house, I'll have some.

Author: Kelly Ripa

Simple Kelly Ripa Messages

Simple Kelly Ripa Messages

I try to make my heart beat out of my chest, hard-core, once a day for at least a half hour. I think that's very important.

Author: Kelly Ripa

Kelly Ripa Thoughts

Kelly Ripa Thoughts

If I win, it's because of my natural ability and if I lose, it's because I wasn't trying so hard.

Author: Kelly Ripa

Kelly Ripa Messages Images

Kelly Ripa Messages Images

My job affords me the luxury of having help. I don't feel exhausted, I feel lucky.

Author: Kelly Ripa

Short Kelly Ripa Messages

Short Kelly Ripa Messages

I'm not a prettier everywoman. I am an everywoman that they clean up awfully well for T.V.

Author: Kelly Ripa

Unique Kelly Ripa Thoughts

Unique Kelly Ripa Thoughts

I always remind my kids, "I'm your parent, but I'm a human being, too, so I may not be perfect."

Author: Kelly Ripa

Simple Kelly Ripa Quotes

Simple Kelly Ripa Quotes

Women's clutches are too small. I open my purse, and with some hydraulic force, a tampon shoots 12 feet into the air.

Author: Kelly Ripa

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