Ken Griffey Jr. Quotes

Ken Griffey Jr. Quotes with Images

Ken Griffey Jr. Quotes

All my life in professional baseball, people said 'He could be better.

The last time I put on this uniform (Cincinnati), I think I was eight, for a father-son game.

I may not hit 50, 40 or 30 home runs, but I can do the little things like moving runners over that don't show up in the box score.

Hard work doesn't start during the game. Hard work starts the night before.

I'm lucky. I got a chance to play major-league baseball.

Its a game, and that’s how I am going to treat it.

If I can get on base once or twice a game, steal a bag, do something, then I'm happy.

I know if I do something wrong, it's going to be all over the news.

A franchise player, to me, is a guy like Kirby Puckett, Cal Ripken, a guy who's been in one organization through their entire career.

I came up as a number 2 hitter. My first year I hit 16 homers, and I was like, Whoa, I'm rollin'!

You can't sensationalize a story that is a heartfelt story.

I go out there every day, take early batting practice, fly balls.

There's certain people that you owe it to, for the things they've done for you.

I never want to be satisfied.

That's the best thing about playing defense. I get to see somebody else but myself get mad.

We teach our kids to be fair and things like that and if you make a mistake you apologize for it.

I can't help it if I make things look easy that some people think are difficult.

I think I owe it to the people of Seattle, and myself, to retire as a Mariner.

That's not what I want to be known as - a guy who doesn't want to play and is moody.

Everyone should live where they want.

I'm not some person who wants to be treated as a superstar and won't go out and help the team.

To win a World Series, the whole team has to be hot, everything has to go your way.

I'm not a player who beats his own drum.

I won't be upset if I don't win a ring, because I gave it my all.

I do like candy bars, but if I have more than a couple of them I break out.

My mom told me to hang around with the right people. That's what I've been doing. Just taking it easy and having fun.

I just try to keep normal days, day in and day out.

You're only a first-round pick for one year.

If you ask my wife, she says I play too much golf. I usually play about four times a week.

I explained to my kids at an early age: I'm a normal dad with an abnormal job.

Sometimes I'm like, Wow, 'Criminal Minds' is deep.

The Hall of Fame is pretty good at preparation and getting you ready for what to expect.

It doesn't matter how much money you make; it's where you feel happy.

Why should I stretch? Does a cheetah stretch before it chases its prey?

As long as I have fun playing, the stats will take care of themselves.

You lose, you smile, and you come back the next day. You win, you smile, you come back the next day.

To succeed in baseball, as in life, you must make adjustments.

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All my life in professional baseball, people said 'He could be better.
The last time I put on this uniform (Cincinnati), I think I was eight, for a father-son game.
I may not hit 50, 40 or 30 home runs, but I can do the little things like moving runners over that don't show up in the box score.
Hard work doesn't start during the game. Hard work starts the night before.
I'm lucky. I got a chance to play major-league baseball.
Its a game, and that’s how I am going to treat it.
If I can get on base once or twice a game, steal a bag, do something, then I'm happy.
I know if I do something wrong, it's going to be all over the news.
A franchise player, to me, is a guy like Kirby Puckett, Cal Ripken, a guy who's been in one organization through their entire career.
I came up as a number 2 hitter. My first year I hit 16 homers, and I was like, Whoa, I'm rollin'!
You can't sensationalize a story that is a heartfelt story.
I go out there every day, take early batting practice, fly balls.
There's certain people that you owe it to, for the things they've done for you.
I never want to be satisfied.
That's the best thing about playing defense. I get to see somebody else but myself get mad.
We teach our kids to be fair and things like that and if you make a mistake you apologize for it.
I can't help it if I make things look easy that some people think are difficult.
I think I owe it to the people of Seattle, and myself, to retire as a Mariner.
That's not what I want to be known as - a guy who doesn't want to play and is moody.
Everyone should live where they want.
I'm not some person who wants to be treated as a superstar and won't go out and help the team.
To win a World Series, the whole team has to be hot, everything has to go your way.
I'm not a player who beats his own drum.
I won't be upset if I don't win a ring, because I gave it my all.
I do like candy bars, but if I have more than a couple of them I break out.
My mom told me to hang around with the right people. That's what I've been doing. Just taking it easy and having fun.
I just try to keep normal days, day in and day out.
You're only a first-round pick for one year.
If you ask my wife, she says I play too much golf. I usually play about four times a week.
I explained to my kids at an early age: I'm a normal dad with an abnormal job.
Sometimes I'm like, Wow, 'Criminal Minds' is deep.
The Hall of Fame is pretty good at preparation and getting you ready for what to expect.
It doesn't matter how much money you make; it's where you feel happy.
Why should I stretch? Does a cheetah stretch before it chases its prey?
As long as I have fun playing, the stats will take care of themselves.
You lose, you smile, and you come back the next day. You win, you smile, you come back the next day.
To succeed in baseball, as in life, you must make adjustments.