Kimbal Musk Quotes

Kimbal Musk Quotes with Images

Kimbal Musk Quotes

We already solved the problem of feeding the world in the 1960s, when we started serving cheeseburgers.

As a kid, I'd never have avocado. You'd get some melon and the odd fresh peach. But avocados? Mangoes? I'd never had a mango in my life.

When you have the demand, you can change the government policies that create McDonald's and junk food.

We believe PulseRank will replace PageRank over time for the real-time Web.

There's no doubt about it: people want local, real food.

Sadly, many people in our biggest cities are at the mercy of industrial food.

It would be so simple for the government to support farmers to become more profitable and farm sustainably.

You should brine your turkey. Don't even think about not brining your turkey. Ever.

We want to replace all the T.G.I. Friday's, Applebee's - at a price point that is arguably even lower than those guys.

People are overweight and starving at the same time. It's a tragedy for both the individual and society.

The reality is that we connect through food, and we have the opportunity to do it three times a day.

People want real food. The demand for it is through the roof.

We're moving to be more of a plant-based society.

It is an interesting thing. Every time I try and stray from the path of food, I get whacked.

Microwave sales have plateaued as people realize that reheated TV dinners give us no joy.

Community through food is my mission; it is what I do.

I joined the board of Chipotle because no company has ever been able to scale fresh, properly sourced food in the history of America.

Advertisers really want to create ads that are relevant to the realtime experience.

Realtime ads are the perfect way for an advertiser to connect with users in a social environment.

People love to interact in real time, whether it is with each other or with content.

Users are open to ads as long as they're relevant to their realtime experience.

Anyone who thinks restaurants are hard should try working at a tech company.

The problem with industrial food is zero transparency. The system thrives on the fact that there is no transparency.

If you're a vegan fast food joint in L.A., you just don't speak the same language as the heartland.

No one wins in the industrial food system.

Food never ends. It's one of the greatest things about working on food - we're always going to need food.

I was totally humbled by how hard it is to create a product every day that needs to be made from scratch.

I have always loved food, and for me, even if I was on a beach, I would be cooking food every day.

I was very afraid of failure because if you fail at something you love, then you ruin what you love.

My mother was a consulting dietician, and my father was a consulting engineer.

Our family are all very hard working.

My family were all entrepreneurs, including my parents and grandparents.

We want our communities to know what real food is.

Food is the new Internet.

Boulder should be next to the word 'community' in the dictionary.

I want to make the school-garden movement work.

My goal is to go from the industrial food system toward a real food system where you understand what you are eating.

Everyone has to eat, so the opportunities in the space are incredible.

If you're a commodity corn farmer in Iowa, you're locked into an infrastructure that keeps you a commodity corn farmer.

Kids gave Elon a very hard time, and it had a huge impact on his life.

Using realtime ads, even mortgage companies can create ads that matter to you right now.

Let's get government support for farmers to make the transition to organic.

The Kitchen's mission is to strengthen communities by bringing local, real food to everyone.

A lot of people think about food as fuel, where you need to get nutrients in your body.

The hard part about following your purpose is the distraction everyone pulls you toward.

It's only a risk if you think there's a chance of failure.

The idea behind fast food is great - people want convenience.

Kimbal Musk Quotes Images - Download and Share

We already solved the problem of feeding the world in the 1960s, when we started serving cheeseburgers.
As a kid, I'd never have avocado. You'd get some melon and the odd fresh peach. But avocados? Mangoes? I'd never had a mango in my life.
When you have the demand, you can change the government policies that create McDonald's and junk food.
We believe PulseRank will replace PageRank over time for the real-time Web.
There's no doubt about it: people want local, real food.
Sadly, many people in our biggest cities are at the mercy of industrial food.
It would be so simple for the government to support farmers to become more profitable and farm sustainably.
You should brine your turkey. Don't even think about not brining your turkey. Ever.
We want to replace all the T.G.I. Friday's, Applebee's - at a price point that is arguably even lower than those guys.
People are overweight and starving at the same time. It's a tragedy for both the individual and society.
The reality is that we connect through food, and we have the opportunity to do it three times a day.
People want real food. The demand for it is through the roof.
We're moving to be more of a plant-based society.
It is an interesting thing. Every time I try and stray from the path of food, I get whacked.
Microwave sales have plateaued as people realize that reheated TV dinners give us no joy.
Community through food is my mission; it is what I do.
I joined the board of Chipotle because no company has ever been able to scale fresh, properly sourced food in the history of America.
Advertisers really want to create ads that are relevant to the realtime experience.
Realtime ads are the perfect way for an advertiser to connect with users in a social environment.
People love to interact in real time, whether it is with each other or with content.
Users are open to ads as long as they're relevant to their realtime experience.
Anyone who thinks restaurants are hard should try working at a tech company.
The problem with industrial food is zero transparency. The system thrives on the fact that there is no transparency.
If you're a vegan fast food joint in L.A., you just don't speak the same language as the heartland.
No one wins in the industrial food system.
Food never ends. It's one of the greatest things about working on food - we're always going to need food.
I was totally humbled by how hard it is to create a product every day that needs to be made from scratch.
I have always loved food, and for me, even if I was on a beach, I would be cooking food every day.
I was very afraid of failure because if you fail at something you love, then you ruin what you love.
My mother was a consulting dietician, and my father was a consulting engineer.
Our family are all very hard working.
My family were all entrepreneurs, including my parents and grandparents.
We want our communities to know what real food is.
Food is the new Internet.
Boulder should be next to the word 'community' in the dictionary.
I want to make the school-garden movement work.
My goal is to go from the industrial food system toward a real food system where you understand what you are eating.
Everyone has to eat, so the opportunities in the space are incredible.
If you're a commodity corn farmer in Iowa, you're locked into an infrastructure that keeps you a commodity corn farmer.
Kids gave Elon a very hard time, and it had a huge impact on his life.
Using realtime ads, even mortgage companies can create ads that matter to you right now.
Let's get government support for farmers to make the transition to organic.
The Kitchen's mission is to strengthen communities by bringing local, real food to everyone.
A lot of people think about food as fuel, where you need to get nutrients in your body.
The hard part about following your purpose is the distraction everyone pulls you toward.
It's only a risk if you think there's a chance of failure.
The idea behind fast food is great - people want convenience.