Kimbal Musk Quotes Images

Best 40+ Kimbal Musk Messages, Quotes, and Images

Kimbal Musk Thoughts

Kimbal Musk Thoughts

It would be so simple for the government to support farmers to become more profitable and farm sustainably.

Author: Kimbal Musk

Kimbal Musk Quotes Images

Kimbal Musk Quotes Images

Sadly, many people in our biggest cities are at the mercy of industrial food.

Author: Kimbal Musk

Kimbal Musk Messages

Kimbal Musk Messages

There's no doubt about it: people want local, real food.

Author: Kimbal Musk

Short Kimbal Musk Quotes

Short Kimbal Musk Quotes

We believe PulseRank will replace PageRank over time for the real-time Web.

Author: Kimbal Musk

Simple Kimbal Musk Messages

Simple Kimbal Musk Messages

When you have the demand, you can change the government policies that create McDonald's and junk food.

Author: Kimbal Musk

Kimbal Musk Thoughts

Kimbal Musk Thoughts

As a kid, I'd never have avocado. You'd get some melon and the odd fresh peach. But avocados? Mangoes? I'd never had a mango in my life.

Author: Kimbal Musk

Kimbal Musk Messages Images

Kimbal Musk Messages Images

We already solved the problem of feeding the world in the 1960s, when we started serving cheeseburgers.

Author: Kimbal Musk

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