Larry Page Quotes
Larry Page Quotes with Images
Larry Page Quotes with Images
Especially in technology, we need revolutionary change, not incremental change.
Don't be evil- apparently, people like it better than "Be good".
As a precaution, we’re making machines extremely heavy with very tiny legs.
You need to get one thing done well, or else you don't have permission to do anything else.
We have always believed that it's possible to make money without being evil.
Small groups of people can have a really huge impact.
You're probably on the right track if you feel like a sidewalk worm during a rainstorm.
You can be serious without a suit
Find the leverage in the world so you can be truly lazy.
We should be building great things that don't exist.
If we are not trusted, we have no business.
You treat people with respect, they tend to return the favor to the company.
You never lose a dream, it just incubates as a hobby.
Always deliver more than expected.
Always work hard on something uncomfortably exciting!
If you’re not doing some things that are crazy, then you’re doing the wrong things.
It's very hard to fail completely if you aim high enough.
You don't need to have a 100-person company to develop that idea.
If your business is static, you're likely to have issues.
We should be focusing on building things that do not exist.
You may think using Google's great, but I still think it's terrible.
Big companies have always needed and cooperated in areas where it made sense.