Luis Suarez Quotes

Luis Suarez Quotes with Images

Luis Suarez Quotes

I still sleep soundly every night. I’m not worried about everything people say.

When I was a kid, I had to fight for everything.

It was very hard for me as a kid to get through as a footballer in Uruguay.

I’m my own severest critic, and I realize when I make mistakes.

Everyone has different ways of defending themselves.

I’ve been booed in Holland and Uruguay as a professional footballer, you need to have thick skin and just get used to it.

I’m an emotional person, and I externalise my feelings a lot with some things, but I’m strong with others.

I think the people who know who Luis is are the people who are by my side, who have always been by my side.

It’s important for the team not to be relying on one player.

I always want more. I always want my team to perform to their best.

On the pitch, I argue, I shout, I talk rubbish and generally do anything I can to get ahead.

Being a forward, I would like to score more goals. But while the team does well, there is no problem.

When you feel you’ve done something wrong, you should apologise for it.

On the field, sometimes passion overwhelms you, and you do things you regret afterwards.

I’m used to being the main goal scorer, but I also always like to help.

Coaches have told me I can help the team much more if I don’t talk if I don’t moan.

When I say, ‘I’m sorry,’ it’s because I regret something.

There are people who criticise me, and that’s normal because of the way I am on the pitch. I get angry, I get tense.

Steven Gerrard is the best player I've ever played with.

It was a dream to arrive at Liverpool but I never wanted to just settle for what I had achieved. I wanted more.

I'm paying for a mistake I made

I know what my strengths are and what theirs are and what the three of us do is play for the good of the team.

I worry when I can’t help the team with everything I have to offer.

We don't even get food for 2 times a day, still, I didn't give up and continued to play football.

That's the mentality - don't just play it, win it.

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I still sleep soundly every night. I’m not worried about everything people say.
When I was a kid, I had to fight for everything.
It was very hard for me as a kid to get through as a footballer in Uruguay.
I’m my own severest critic, and I realize when I make mistakes.
Everyone has different ways of defending themselves.
I’ve been booed in Holland and Uruguay as a professional footballer, you need to have thick skin and just get used to it.
I’m an emotional person, and I externalise my feelings a lot with some things, but I’m strong with others.
I think the people who know who Luis is are the people who are by my side, who have always been by my side.
It’s important for the team not to be relying on one player.
I always want more. I always want my team to perform to their best.
On the pitch, I argue, I shout, I talk rubbish and generally do anything I can to get ahead.
Being a forward, I would like to score more goals. But while the team does well, there is no problem.
When you feel you’ve done something wrong, you should apologise for it.
On the field, sometimes passion overwhelms you, and you do things you regret afterwards.
I’m used to being the main goal scorer, but I also always like to help.
Coaches have told me I can help the team much more if I don’t talk if I don’t moan.
When I say, ‘I’m sorry,’ it’s because I regret something.
There are people who criticise me, and that’s normal because of the way I am on the pitch. I get angry, I get tense.
Steven Gerrard is the best player I've ever played with.
It was a dream to arrive at Liverpool but I never wanted to just settle for what I had achieved. I wanted more.
I'm paying for a mistake I made
I know what my strengths are and what theirs are and what the three of us do is play for the good of the team.
I worry when I can’t help the team with everything I have to offer.
We don't even get food for 2 times a day, still, I didn't give up and continued to play football.
That's the mentality - don't just play it, win it.