Lysa TerKeurst Quotes

Lysa TerKeurst Quotes with Images

Lysa TerKeurst Quotes

God is good to me, even when life doesn’t feel good to me.

Instead of wishing things would change, I'm asking God for His strength to make a change.

Great love isn't two people finding the perfect match in one another. Great love is two people making the choice to be a match.

Forgiveness is mandatory; reconciliation is optional.

The more we read God’s truths and let truth fill our minds, the less time we’ll spend contemplating untruths.

Don't put the whole of your identity into the smallness of a situation.

Wise women tuck Godly wisdom into the words they speak and even more into the words they choose not to speak.

Lord, help me to see what comes my way as an opportunity instead of an inconvenience.

Trusting God's plan is the only secret I know in the gentle art of not freaking out.

It is a rare and beautiful thing when we choose to offer love in situations when most people would choose to scorn or ignore.

If you are a woman who honors God right where you are, you are in ministry.

God will always do great things with people who are willing to be faithful in the small things.

We want big directional signs from God. God just wants us to pay attention.

It's not my perfect performance that captures God's attention. It's my complete dependence on Him that He notices.

Scars are beautiful when we see them as glorious reminders that we courageously survived.

Don't let the hurt of today blind you to the hope of tomorrow. Disappointment ushers in a new appointment.

Life as a Christ follower will always be a learning process of depending less on our own strength and more on God's power.

A woman who is careful with her words is a gift to all who know her.

Just because we feel offended doesn't mean we must be offended. Feelings are indicators not dictators.

Remember, the Devil loves to make us focus on the little that's wrong so we miss the big picture of all that's right.

I want to learn how to be more thankful for what I am, than guilty for what I'm not.

Where there is a lack of rest, there is an abundance of stress.

Having faith doesn't mean I have all the answers. It means trusting God especially in the midst of uncertainty.

You've never gone too far that God can't redeem you, restore you, forgive you, and give you a second chance.

Nothing done with the focus on God is ever a waste of time.

Today, let's be determined to see blessings in the midst of things that seem like burdens.

Just because something is hard doesn’t mean it’s impossible.

God is using all of your experiences, both good and bad, to develop your character to match your calling.

Not making a decision is actually a decision. It's the decision to stay the same.

Sometimes it's the words we choose not to say that speak most loudly about our character.

There is power in simply speaking the name Jesus.

Do not confuse the command to love with the disease to please.

Don’t let people’s compliments go to your head and don’t let their criticisms go to your heart.

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God is good to me, even when life doesn’t feel good to me.
Instead of wishing things would change, I'm asking God for His strength to make a change.
Great love isn't two people finding the perfect match in one another. Great love is two people making the choice to be a match.
Forgiveness is mandatory; reconciliation is optional.
The more we read God’s truths and let truth fill our minds, the less time we’ll spend contemplating untruths.
Don't put the whole of your identity into the smallness of a situation.
Wise women tuck Godly wisdom into the words they speak and even more into the words they choose not to speak.
Lord, help me to see what comes my way as an opportunity instead of an inconvenience.
Trusting God's plan is the only secret I know in the gentle art of not freaking out.
It is a rare and beautiful thing when we choose to offer love in situations when most people would choose to scorn or ignore.
If you are a woman who honors God right where you are, you are in ministry.
God will always do great things with people who are willing to be faithful in the small things.
We want big directional signs from God. God just wants us to pay attention.
It's not my perfect performance that captures God's attention. It's my complete dependence on Him that He notices.
Scars are beautiful when we see them as glorious reminders that we courageously survived.
Don't let the hurt of today blind you to the hope of tomorrow. Disappointment ushers in a new appointment.
Life as a Christ follower will always be a learning process of depending less on our own strength and more on God's power.
A woman who is careful with her words is a gift to all who know her.
Just because we feel offended doesn't mean we must be offended. Feelings are indicators not dictators.
Remember, the Devil loves to make us focus on the little that's wrong so we miss the big picture of all that's right.
I want to learn how to be more thankful for what I am, than guilty for what I'm not.
Where there is a lack of rest, there is an abundance of stress.
Having faith doesn't mean I have all the answers. It means trusting God especially in the midst of uncertainty.
You've never gone too far that God can't redeem you, restore you, forgive you, and give you a second chance.
Nothing done with the focus on God is ever a waste of time.
Today, let's be determined to see blessings in the midst of things that seem like burdens.
Just because something is hard doesn’t mean it’s impossible.
God is using all of your experiences, both good and bad, to develop your character to match your calling.
Not making a decision is actually a decision. It's the decision to stay the same.
Sometimes it's the words we choose not to say that speak most loudly about our character.
There is power in simply speaking the name Jesus.
Do not confuse the command to love with the disease to please.
Don’t let people’s compliments go to your head and don’t let their criticisms go to your heart.