mahatria ra Thoughts

Best 100+ mahatria ra Messages, Quotes, and Images

mahatria ra Thoughts

mahatria ra Thoughts

Why is everything that's precious so scarce? In fact, only because it is scarce, you value it as precious .

Author: mahatria ra

Mahatria Ra Quotes Images

Mahatria Ra Quotes Images

Take up something that will enable you to end 2013 on a high. And give impetus to 2104 .

Author: mahatria ra

Mahatria Ra Messages

Mahatria Ra Messages

The more we process the thoughts of health, wealth, love, bliss and enlightenment, the more powerful will be the attraction for kindred things.

Author: mahatria ra

Short Mahatria Ra Quotes

Short Mahatria Ra Quotes

Live and let live. Love thy neighbour as yourself. Life yourself and in turn lift others. It always starts with you .

Author: mahatria ra

Simple Mahatria Ra Messages

Simple Mahatria Ra Messages

7 deadly sins 1. Wealth without work 2. pleasure without conscience 3. science without humanity 4. knowledge without character 5. politics without principle 6. commerce without morality 7. worship without sacrifice.

Author: mahatria ra

Mahatria Ra Thoughts

Mahatria Ra Thoughts

There is a hidden meaning in every moment of life. Let us live life with intense awareness to unravel this meaning.

Author: mahatria ra

Mahatria Ra Messages Images

Mahatria Ra Messages Images

Let us name 2014 as the year of opportunities and work towards creating humungous possibilities for us and others .

Author: mahatria ra

Short Mahatria Ra Messages

Short Mahatria Ra Messages

Even nature adapts itself to a person, who is dedicated to his work and where 'Give up' doesn't exist .

Author: mahatria ra

Unique Mahatria Ra Thoughts

Unique Mahatria Ra Thoughts

All it takes to give a new or added dimension to life is to nurture one's strength and passions.

Author: mahatria ra

Simple Mahatria Ra Quotes

Simple Mahatria Ra Quotes

Wherever willingness is great, challenges are never great.

Author: mahatria ra

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I could not imagine that the future I was walking toward could compare in any way to the past that I was leaving behind.

I could not imagine that the future I was walking toward could compare in any way to the past that I was leaving behind.

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In an underdeveloped society, the first anxiety is of infant mortality. In an advanced one it is to keep alive the aged.

In an underdeveloped society, the first anxiety is of infant mortality. In an advanced one it is to keep alive the aged.

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Make the most of every sense; glory in all the facets of pleasure and beauty which the world reveals to you...

Make the most of every sense; glory in all the facets of pleasure and beauty which the world reveals to you...

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Those who boast are seldom the great.

Those who boast are seldom the great.

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Be patient, for it is from doubt that knowledge is born.

Be patient, for it is from doubt that knowledge is born.

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There are those who will listen before hitting the wall; the rest will listen only after they bleed against the wall .

There are those who will listen before hitting the wall; the rest will listen only after they bleed against the wall .

Author: mahatria ra