Marilyn Monroe Quotes
Marilyn Monroe Quotes with Images
Marilyn Monroe Quotes with Images
I don't mind living in a man's world as long as I can be a woman in it.
Happiness is the most important thing in the world, without it, you live a life of depression.
I’m the type of person that tries to fall back asleep in the morning just to finish a dream.
Within crisis, are the seeds of opportunity.
Men love you more if they can be made a little uncertain about owning you.
If you can make a girl laugh, you can make her do anything.
Wise girls kiss but never love, Listen but never believe, And leave before they are left.
Just because you fail once doesn't mean you're gonna fail at everything.
It takes a smart brunette to play a dumb blonde.
If you're gonna be two-faced at least make one of them pretty.
A girl does not need anyone who does not need her.
All a girl wants is for one guy to prove to her that they are not all the same.
The real lover is the man who can thrill you by kissing your forehead.
Always remember to smile and look up at what you got in life.
If a man doesn't want you at your worst, then he sure as hell doesn't deserve you at your best.
A friend tells you what you want to hear; a best friend tells you the truth.
Friends accept you the way you are.
Don't let your fear of failing triumph over the joy of participating.
Don't stop when you're tired; stop when you're done.
I live to succeed, not to please you or anyone else.
Sometimes good things fall apart so better things could fall together.
Ever notice how 'What the hell' is always the right answer?
You must feel attractive to be attractive.
Promises are worse than lies. You don't just make them believe, you also make them hope.
The more I think of it, the more I realize there are no answers. Life is to be lived.
A wise girl knows her limits, a smart girl knows that she has none.
It's better being completely ridiculous than unbelievably boring.
Everyone's a star and deserves the right to twinkle.
Never regret anything because at one time it was exactly what you wanted.
Keep smiling, because life is a beautiful thing and there's so much to smile about.
If you don't love me at my worst, then you don't deserve me at my best.
The sky is not the limit. Your mind is
Cutting negative people from my life does not mean I hate them, it simply means I respect me.