Martha Graham Quotes
Martha Graham Quotes with Images
Martha Graham Quotes with Images
You will only get out of a dance class what you bring to it. Learn by practice.
No artist is ahead of his time. He is his time; it is just that others are behind the times.
Theater is a verb before it is a noun, an act before it is a place.
Think of the magic of that foot, comparatively small, upon which your whole weight rests. It's a miracle, and the dance is a celebration of that miracle.
The world I'm interested in is the one where things are not named.
Dancers are the messengers of the gods.
Dance is a song of the body. Either of joy or pain.
The body is your instrument in dance, but your art is outside that creature, the body.
There is a force, a quickness that is translated through you into action. If you block it, the world will not have it.
Art is eternal for it reveals the inner landscape which is the soul of man.
I believe one thing: that today is yesterday and tomorrow is today and you can't stop.
Repetition not for monotony but the ecstasy it induces.
It's what I always wanted to do, to show the laughter, the fun, the joy of dance.
Stand up! Keep your backs straight! Remember that this is where the wings grow.
The spine is the tree of life. Respect it.
My dancing is not an attempt to interpret life in the literary sense. It is an affirmation of life through movement.
What people in the world think of you is really none of your business.
In the end, it all comes down to the art of breathing.
The secret to dancing is that it is about everything except dancing.
Nobody cares if you can't dance well. Just get up and dance. Great dancers are great because of their passion.
Dance is the hidden langauge of the soul, of the body.
I get up, I fall down, all the while I am dancing.
Movement never lies. It is a barometer telling the state of the soul's weather to all who can read it.
The body says what words cannot.
Great dancers are not great because of their technique, they are great because of their passion.
Our arms start from the back because they were once wings.