Martin Scorsese Quotes

Best 30+ Martin Scorsese Messages, Quotes, and Images

Martin Scorsese Thoughts

Martin Scorsese Thoughts

There's no such thing as simple. Simple is hard.

Author: Martin Scorsese

Martin Scorsese Quotes Images

Martin Scorsese Quotes Images

Every scene is a lesson. Every shot is a school. Let the learning continue.

Author: Martin Scorsese

Martin Scorsese Messages

Martin Scorsese Messages

Always stay open to surprise.

Author: Martin Scorsese

Short Martin Scorsese Quotes

Short Martin Scorsese Quotes

More than ninety percent of directing a picture is the right casting

Author: Martin Scorsese

Simple Martin Scorsese Messages

Simple Martin Scorsese Messages

Your job is to get your audience to care about your obsessions.

Author: Martin Scorsese

Martin Scorsese Thoughts

Martin Scorsese Thoughts

Cinema is a matter of what's in the frame and what's out.

Author: Martin Scorsese

Martin Scorsese Messages Images

Martin Scorsese Messages Images

I love movies - it's my whole life, and that's it.

Author: Martin Scorsese

Short Martin Scorsese Messages

Short Martin Scorsese Messages

You have to put yourself in a situation, a lifestyle, that makes you do the work. Even if it's a monastery.

Author: Martin Scorsese

Unique Martin Scorsese Thoughts

Unique Martin Scorsese Thoughts

There's a way that the force of disappointment can be alchemized into something that will paradoxically renew you.

Author: Martin Scorsese

Simple Martin Scorsese Quotes

Simple Martin Scorsese Quotes

I go through periods, usually when I'm editing and shooting, of seeing only old films.

Author: Martin Scorsese

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