Mia Farrow Quotes
Mia Farrow Quotes with Images
Mia Farrow Quotes with Images
I took a long period off to be a mom.
I have the most wonderful children. I've been very, very blessed.
If I weren't doing what I'm doing now, the actress thing, the star business, if you want to call it that, whatever it is, I'd be in an asylum. I'm sure of it.
I don't think you can be a Catholic without an accompanying measure of guilt.
I found real fulfillment through my children and through adopting special needs kids.
Life is about losing everything, gracefully.
I learned that you can't truly own anything, that true ownership comes only in the moment of giving.
It is by that which cannot be taken away that we can measure ourselves.
Don't get involved with anyone who doesn't respect his mother.
A person without regrets is a nincompoop.
Life is about loosing, everything, gracefully
Find things that shine and move toward them.
I'm going to take the high road because the low road is so crowded.