Michael Arndt Quotes

Michael Arndt Quotes with Images

Michael Arndt Quotes

My God, there are so many mediocre screenplays out there.

The way you think either stands in your way or assists you in achieving your goals.

If you only know something one way, then you don't really know it.

The fluidity of thought is based on the flexibility of beliefs and the emotional boundaries surrounding them.

I had read enough mediocre scripts and was determined not to inflict another one on the world.

My thing is that most scripts arent bad scripts, theyre just not finished yet.

Good writing is deceptive in that it hides its own artifice - it makes it seem easy.

One of my favorite films is LATE SPRING by Yasujiro Ozu. To me, it represents film as art.

Working at Pixar has been like my graduate school for screenwriting.

If you write a bunch of different characters with a bunch of different opinions, you end up with these long scenes of everyone standing around talking.

All thought is created, therefore we are all creators of whatever world we live in.

Writing a great script - not just a good one, but a great one - is almost an impossible task.

A good story is a good story, whatever the medium.

Changing how you think costs you no money and it takes no special talent. It does take a commitment on your part to be different.

Every problem offers an opportunity for a solution. if you are in the right frame of mind to find it.

Line up your thoughts up for potential, take action and success will follow.

Who you think you are is only a thought.

The best writing really does come from the deepest, most private part of you.

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My God, there are so many mediocre screenplays out there.
The way you think either stands in your way or assists you in achieving your goals.
If you only know something one way, then you don't really know it.
The fluidity of thought is based on the flexibility of beliefs and the emotional boundaries surrounding them.
I had read enough mediocre scripts and was determined not to inflict another one on the world.
My thing is that most scripts arent bad scripts, theyre just not finished yet.
Good writing is deceptive in that it hides its own artifice - it makes it seem easy.
One of my favorite films is LATE SPRING by Yasujiro Ozu. To me, it represents film as art.
Working at Pixar has been like my graduate school for screenwriting.
If you write a bunch of different characters with a bunch of different opinions, you end up with these long scenes of everyone standing around talking.
All thought is created, therefore we are all creators of whatever world we live in.
Writing a great script - not just a good one, but a great one - is almost an impossible task.
A good story is a good story, whatever the medium.
Changing how you think costs you no money and it takes no special talent. It does take a commitment on your part to be different.
Every problem offers an opportunity for a solution. if you are in the right frame of mind to find it.
Line up your thoughts up for potential, take action and success will follow.
Who you think you are is only a thought.
The best writing really does come from the deepest, most private part of you.