Don't spend so much time trying to choose the perfect opportunity, that you miss the right opportunity.
Author: Michael Dell
It's easy to decide what you're going to do. The hard thing is deciding what you're not going to do.
Each day that you're moving toward your dreams without compromising who you are, you're winning
There's always an opportunity to make a difference
You can't be afraid to fail because that's when you learn.
Regrets are born of paths never taken.
Anything that can be measured can be improved
There is no better catalyst to success than curiosity.
The point is, you can't keep doing the same thing and expect it to keep working.
The very thing you fear could be the best thing to ever happen to you
Egypt Revolution Day Wishes
World Hepatitis Day Wishes
I believe the right question to ask, respecting all ornament, is simply this; was it done with enjoyment, was the carver happy while he was about it?
Author: John Ruskin
I can't let safety and security become the focus of my life.
Author: Judy Blume
It doesn't matter how much you want. What really matters is how much you want it.
Author: Ralph Marston
I never play the victim, I’d rather be a stalker.
Author: Rihanna
In youth all doors open outward; in old age all open inward.
Author: Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
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