Nicole Kidman Quotes

Best 20+ Nicole Kidman Messages, Quotes, and Images

Nicole Kidman Thoughts

Nicole Kidman Thoughts

The thing you hate about yourself tends to be the thing that everyone likes about you.

Author: Nicole Kidman

Nicole Kidman Quotes Images

Nicole Kidman Quotes Images

Forget the past. You can never predict what the future is going to be. Live for the moment.

Author: Nicole Kidman

Nicole Kidman Messages

Nicole Kidman Messages

Whatever you do in life, don't give up on your dreams.

Author: Nicole Kidman

Short Nicole Kidman Quotes

Short Nicole Kidman Quotes

If you enter the dark side of life and come through it, you emerge with more strength and passion.

Author: Nicole Kidman

Simple Nicole Kidman Messages

Simple Nicole Kidman Messages

In my heart, I'm independent, a bit of a rebel, a nonconformist.

Author: Nicole Kidman

Nicole Kidman Thoughts

Nicole Kidman Thoughts

I don't believe in having body doubles for a film.

Author: Nicole Kidman

Nicole Kidman Messages Images

Nicole Kidman Messages Images

I believe the experiences of life are more important than any film you make.

Author: Nicole Kidman

Short Nicole Kidman Messages

Short Nicole Kidman Messages

I'm not sure what the future holds but I do know that I'm going to be positive.

Author: Nicole Kidman

Unique Nicole Kidman Thoughts

Unique Nicole Kidman Thoughts

I don't like changing with the wind; I like sticking to my self.

Author: Nicole Kidman

Simple Nicole Kidman Quotes

Simple Nicole Kidman Quotes

The things that go on in my head are far more interesting than what happens.

Author: Nicole Kidman

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