Nicole Kidman Messages

Best 20+ Nicole Kidman Messages, Quotes, and Images

Nicole Kidman Thoughts

Nicole Kidman Thoughts

You can't find peace by hiding from life

Author: Nicole Kidman

Nicole Kidman Quotes Images

Nicole Kidman Quotes Images

I have a passion for my work, and that can seep into you. It's almost as if you're drawn to it.

Author: Nicole Kidman

Nicole Kidman Messages

Nicole Kidman Messages

I'm willing to fly close to the flame.

Author: Nicole Kidman

Short Nicole Kidman Quotes

Short Nicole Kidman Quotes

Regrets are ridiculous, so I don’t regret, no.

Author: Nicole Kidman

Simple Nicole Kidman Messages

Simple Nicole Kidman Messages

I find standing and posing for photos very awkward.

Author: Nicole Kidman

Nicole Kidman Thoughts

Nicole Kidman Thoughts

Violence against women is an appalling human rights violation. But it is not inevitable. We can put a stop to this.

Author: Nicole Kidman

Nicole Kidman Messages Images

Nicole Kidman Messages Images

People can tell you what to do, but ultimately, we're all going to die, so how do you want to live?

Author: Nicole Kidman

Short Nicole Kidman Messages

Short Nicole Kidman Messages

I'm very much an admirer of people who is reaching for things and trying to survive.

Author: Nicole Kidman

Unique Nicole Kidman Thoughts

Unique Nicole Kidman Thoughts

It's good to have a little distance. If you discuss your love too much, it just damages it.

Author: Nicole Kidman

Simple Nicole Kidman Quotes

Simple Nicole Kidman Quotes

I try never to be governed by fear; that's how I choose things.

Author: Nicole Kidman

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I'm not concerned with your liking or disliking me... All I ask is that you respect me as a human being.

I'm not concerned with your liking or disliking me... All I ask is that you respect me as a human being.

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I'm sure at some point I will get back into coaching, but right now I need to focus completely on my kids.

I'm sure at some point I will get back into coaching, but right now I need to focus completely on my kids.

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Everything can happen in the playoffs.

Everything can happen in the playoffs.

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I'm a guy who tries to be successful in all that I do, and when you fall short, it hurts.

I'm a guy who tries to be successful in all that I do, and when you fall short, it hurts.

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The only weights I lift are my dogs.

The only weights I lift are my dogs.

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The things that go on in my head are far more interesting than what happens.

The things that go on in my head are far more interesting than what happens.

Author: Nicole Kidman