paramahansa yogananda Quotes

paramahansa yogananda Quotes with Images

paramahansa yogananda Quotes

Change yourself and you have done your part in changing the world

Let my soul smile through my heart and my heart smile through my eyes, that I may scatter rich smiles in sad hearts.

It is spiritual poverty, not material lack, that lies at the core of all human suffering.

When the mind is calm, how quickly, how smoothly, how beautifully you will perceive everything.

I am a spark from the Infinite. I am not flesh and bones. I am light.

Be kind to others, so that you may learn the secret art of being kind to yourself.

Divisions are imaginary lines drawn by small minds.

Be as simple as you can be; you will be astonished to see how uncomplicated and happy your life can become.

Those persons who have perceptive eyes enjoy beauty everywhere.

Live quietly in the moment and see the beauty of all before you. The future will take care of itself.

By the practice of meditation, you will find that you are carrying within your heart a portable paradise.

Stillness is the altar of spirit.

Seclusion is the price of greatness.

In the state of love, no matter what you do, it's going to be good.

Love cannot be had for the asking; it comes only as a gift from the heart of another

Truth is not afraid of questions.

Every tomorrow is determined by every today.

Come into the silence of solitude, and the vibration there will talk to you through the voice of God.

It doesn't matter if a cave has been in darkness for 10,000 years or half an hour, once you light a match it is illuminated.

A saint is a sinner who never gave up.

Fear was given to man as a cautionary device to spare him pain; it is not mean to be cultivated and abused.

The season of failure is the best time for sowing the seeds of success.

When you learn to get along with yourself, you will know how to get along with everybody.

Play your part in life, but never forget it is only a role.

Change your life by changing your thoughts.

He who conquers the mind, conquers the world.

If circumstances are bad and you have to bear them, do not make them a part of yourself.

The purpose of the guru is not to weaken your will. It is to teach you secrets of developing your inner power, until you can stand unshaken amidst the crash of breaking worlds.

Be honest with yourself. The world is not honest with you. The world loves hypocrisy. When you are honest with yourself you find the road to inner peace.

You do not have to struggle to reach God, but you do have to struggle to tear away the self-created veil that hides him from you

Having lots of money while not having inner peace is like dying of thirst while bathing in the ocean.

Do your best and then relax. Let things go on in a natural way, rather than force them.

A good rule in life is to tell yourself simply, 'What comes of itself, let it come.

We are what we think we are. The habitual inclination of our thoughts determines our talents and abilities, and our personality. So whatever you want to be, start to develop that pattern now.

Is a diamond less valuable because it is covered with mud? God sees the changeless beauty of our souls. He knows we are not our mistakes.

You must not let your life run in the ordinary way; do something that nobody else has done, something that will dazzle the world. Show that God's creative principle works in you.

If you possess happiness you possess everything: to be happy is to be in tune with God.

Many people excuse their own faults but judge other persons harshly. We should reverse this attitude by excusing others' shortcomings and by harshly examining our own.

The happiness of one's own heart alone cannot satisfy the soul; one must try to include, as necessary to one's own happiness, the happiness of others.

People are running, running, but there is no place in the world to which they can flee to escape themselves. Ultimately, each one must face himself.

Today I forgive all those who have ever offended me. I give my love to all thirsty hearts, both to those who love me and to those who do not love me.

The true basis of religion is not belief, but intuitive experience. Intuition is the soul’s power of knowing God. To know what religion is really all about, one must know God.

Realize that enough hidden strength lies within you to overcome all obstacles and temptations. Bring forth that indomitable power and energy.

Through the portals of silence the healing sun of wisdom and peace will shine upon you.

No one appears on our stage unless the director has placed them there for our benefit

Fearlessness means faith in God: faith in his protection, His justice, His wisdom, His mercy, His love, and His Omnipresence... To be fit for Self-realization man must be fearless.

Meet everybody and every circumstance on the battlefield of life with the courage of a hero and the smile of a conqueror.

The greatest romance is with the Infinite. You have no idea how beautiful life can be. When you suddenly find God everywhere, when He comes and talks to you and guides you, the romance of divine love has begun.

Whatever you want others to be, first be that yourself. Then, you will find others responding in like manner to you.

Nothing is impossible unless you think it is.

Learn to be calm and you will always be happy.

Before embarking on important undertakings sit quietly calm your senses and thoughts and meditate deeply. You will then be guided by the great creative power of Spirit.

I relax and cast aside all mental burdens, allowing God to express through me His perfect love, peace, and wisdom.

Untrained warriors are soon killed on the battlefield; so also persons untrained in the art of preserving their inner peace are quickly riddled by the bullets of worry and restlessness in active life.

In the spiritual life one becomes just like a little child, without resentment, without attachment, full of life and joy.

Have only love in your heart for others. The more you see the good in them, the more you will establish good in yourself.

Forget the past, for it is gone from your domain! forget the future, for it is beyond your reach! control the present! Live supremely well now! This is the way of the wise.

Since you alone are responsible for your thoughts, only you can change them.

Read a little. Meditate more. Think of God all the time.

Thinkers do not accept the inevitable; they turn their efforts toward changing it.

The mother's love is not given to us to spoil us with indulgence, but to soften our hearts, that we may in turn soften others with kindness.

If you are in a dark room, don’t beat at the darkness with a stick, but rather try to turn on the light

You have come to earth to entertain and to be entertained.

In that power of self-control lies the seed of eternal freedom.

The power of unfulfilled desires is the root of all man's slavery

When you learn to live for others, they will live for you.

As a broken microphone cannot broadcast a message, so a restless mind cannot transmit prayers to God

Environment is stronger than will.

Medicine has its limitations, Life Force has none.

Analyze yourself. All emotions are reflected in the body and mind. Envy and fear cause the face to pale, love makes it glow.

The more you meditate, the more helpful you can be to others, and the more deeply you will be in tune with God.

The man form is higher than the angel form; of all forms it is the highest. Man is the highest being in creation, because he aspires to freedom.

The time will come when mankind will begin to get away from the consciousness of needing so many material things. More security and peace will be found in the simple life.

Little stones that are pelted into the lake of consciousness should not throw the whole lake into commotion.

Remain quiet. Don't feel you have to talk all the time. Go within and you will see the Loveliness behind all beauty.

As a mortal being you are limited, but as a child of God you are unlimited... Focus your attention on God, and you shall have all the power you want, to use in any direction.

With right attitude, life is very simple and very easy.

Success is hastened or delayed by one's habits.

If you permit your thoughts to dwell on evil you yourself will become ugly. Look only for the good in everything so you absorb the quality of beauty.

Kindness is the light that dissolves all walls between souls, families, and nations.

Intuition is the discriminative faculty that enables you to decide which of two lines of reasoning is right. Perfect intuition makes you a master of all.

Incredible amounts of energy are hidden in your brain; enough in a gram of flesh to run the city of Chicago for 2 days. And you say you are tired?

Environment is of supreme importance. It is greater than will power.

The greater the will, the greater the flow of energy.

When the #‎ mind is strong and the #‎ heart is pure, you are free

A wish is a desire without energy

Great healers, people of divine realization, do not cure by chance but by exact knowledge.

Remain calm, serene, always in command of yourself. You will then find out how easy it is to get along.

As you find your soul-reservoir of peace, less and less controversy will be able to afflict your life.

Subtle astral colors... are hidden in everything around you. Could you but see, you would be amazed at their beauty.

Seek spiritual riches within. What you are is much greater than anyone or anything else you have ever yearned for.

Humans become angels on earth, not in heaven.

Coercion or compulsion never brings about growth. It is freedom that accelerates evolution.

Mind is the creator of everything.

Never neglect what you can do for yourself in the form of another.

Each minute of life should be a divine quest.

God is simple, everything else is complex

From joy I came, for joy I live, in sacred joy I melt.

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Change yourself and you have done your part in changing the world
Let my soul smile through my heart and my heart smile through my eyes, that I may scatter rich smiles in sad hearts.
It is spiritual poverty, not material lack, that lies at the core of all human suffering.
When the mind is calm, how quickly, how smoothly, how beautifully you will perceive everything.
I am a spark from the Infinite.
I am not flesh and bones.
I am light.
Be kind to others, so that you may learn the secret art of being kind to yourself.
Divisions are imaginary lines drawn by small minds.
Be as simple as you can be; you will be astonished to see how uncomplicated and happy your life can become.
Those persons who have perceptive eyes enjoy beauty everywhere.
Live quietly in the moment and see the beauty of all before you. The future will take care of itself.
By the practice of meditation, you will find that you are carrying within your heart a portable paradise.
Stillness is the altar of spirit.
Seclusion is the price of greatness.
In the state of love, no matter what you do, it's going to be good.
Love cannot be had for the asking; it comes only as a gift from the heart of another
Truth is not afraid of questions.
Every tomorrow is determined by every today.
Come into the silence of solitude, and the vibration there will talk to you through the voice of God.
It doesn't matter if a cave has been in darkness for 10,000 years or half an hour, once you light a match it is illuminated.
A saint is a sinner who never gave up.
Fear was given to man as a cautionary device to spare him pain; it is not mean to be cultivated and abused.
The season of failure is the best time for sowing the seeds of success.
When you learn to get along with yourself, you will know how to get along with everybody.
Play your part in life, but never forget it is only a role.
Change your life by changing your thoughts.
He who conquers the mind, conquers the world.
If circumstances are bad and you have to bear them, do not make them a part of yourself.
The purpose of the guru is not to weaken your will. It is to teach you secrets of developing your inner power, until you can stand unshaken amidst the crash of breaking worlds.
Be honest with yourself. The world is not honest with you. The world loves hypocrisy. When you are honest with yourself you find the road to inner peace.
You do not have to struggle to reach God, but you do have to struggle to tear away the self-created veil that hides him from you
Having lots of money while not having inner peace is like dying of thirst while bathing in the ocean.
Do your best and then relax. Let things go on in a natural way, rather than force them.
A good rule in life is to tell yourself simply, 'What comes of itself, let it come.
We are what we think we are. The habitual inclination of our thoughts determines our talents and abilities, and our personality. So whatever you want to be, start to develop that pattern now.
Is a diamond less valuable because it is covered with mud? God sees the changeless beauty of our souls. He knows we are not our mistakes.
You must not let your life run in the ordinary way; do something that nobody else has done, something that will dazzle the world. Show that God's creative principle works in you.
If you possess happiness you possess everything: to be happy is to be in tune with God.
Many people excuse their own faults but judge other persons harshly. We should reverse this attitude by excusing others' shortcomings and by harshly examining our own.
The happiness of one's own heart alone cannot satisfy the soul; one must try to include, as necessary to one's own happiness, the happiness of others.
People are running, running, but there is no place in the world to which they can flee to escape themselves. Ultimately, each one must face himself.
Today I forgive all those who have ever offended me. I give my love to all thirsty hearts, both to those who love me and to those who do not love me.
The true basis of religion is not belief, but intuitive experience. Intuition is the soul’s power of knowing God. To know what religion is really all about, one must know God.
Realize that enough hidden strength lies within you to overcome all obstacles and temptations. Bring forth that indomitable power and energy.
Through the portals of silence the healing sun of wisdom and peace will shine upon you.
No one appears on our stage unless the director has placed them there for our benefit
Fearlessness means faith in God: faith in his protection, His justice, His wisdom, His mercy, His love, and His Omnipresence... To be fit for Self-realization man must be fearless.
Meet everybody and every circumstance on the battlefield of life with the courage of a hero and the smile of a conqueror.
The greatest romance is with the Infinite.
You have no idea how beautiful life can be.
When you suddenly find God everywhere,
when He comes and talks to you and guides you,
the romance of divine love has begun.
Whatever you want others to be, first be that yourself. Then, you will find others responding in like manner to you.
Nothing is impossible unless you think it is.
Learn to be calm and you will always be happy.
Before embarking on important undertakings sit quietly calm your senses and thoughts and meditate deeply. You will then be guided by the great creative power of Spirit.
I relax and cast aside all mental burdens, allowing God to express through me His perfect love, peace, and wisdom.
Untrained warriors are soon killed on the battlefield; so also persons untrained in the art of preserving their inner peace are quickly riddled by the bullets of worry and restlessness in active life.
In the spiritual life one becomes just like a little child, without resentment, without attachment, full of life and joy.
Have only love in your heart for others. The more you see the good in them, the more you will establish good in yourself.
Forget the past, for it is gone from your domain! forget the future, for it is beyond your reach! control the present! Live supremely well now! This is the way of the wise.
Since you alone are responsible for your thoughts, only you can change them.
Read a little. Meditate more. Think of God all the time.
Thinkers do not accept the inevitable; they turn their efforts toward changing it.
The mother's love is not given to us to spoil us with indulgence, but to soften our hearts, that we may in turn soften others with kindness.
If you are in a dark room, don’t beat at the darkness with a stick, but rather try to turn on the light
You have come to earth to entertain and to be entertained.
In that power of self-control lies the seed of eternal freedom.
The power of unfulfilled desires is the root of all man's slavery
When you learn to live for others, they will live for you.
As a broken microphone cannot broadcast a message, so a restless mind cannot transmit prayers to God
Environment is stronger than will.
Medicine has its limitations, Life Force has none.
Analyze yourself. All emotions are reflected in the body and mind. Envy and fear cause the face to pale, love makes it glow.
The more you meditate, the more helpful you can be to others, and the more deeply you will be in tune with God.
The man form is higher than the angel form; of all forms it is the highest. Man is the highest being in creation, because he aspires to freedom.
The time will come when mankind will begin to get away from the consciousness of needing so many material things. More security and peace will be found in the simple life.
Little stones that are pelted into the lake of consciousness should not throw the whole lake into commotion.
Remain quiet. Don't feel you have to talk all the time. Go within and you will see the Loveliness behind all beauty.
As a mortal being you are limited, but as a child of God you are unlimited... Focus your attention on God, and you shall have all the power you want, to use in any direction.
With right attitude, life is very simple and very easy.
Success is hastened or delayed by one's habits.
If you permit your thoughts to dwell on evil you yourself will become ugly. Look only for the good in everything so you absorb the quality of beauty.
Kindness is the light that dissolves all walls between souls, families, and nations.
Intuition is the discriminative faculty that enables you to decide which of two lines of reasoning is right. Perfect intuition makes you a master of all.
Incredible amounts of energy are hidden in your brain;
enough in a gram of flesh to run the city of Chicago for 2 days.
And you say you are tired?
Environment is of supreme importance. It is greater than will power.
The greater the will, the greater the flow of energy.
When the #‎ mind is strong and the #‎ heart is pure,
you are free
A wish is a desire without energy
Great healers, people of divine realization, do not cure by chance but by exact knowledge.
Remain calm, serene, always in command of yourself. You will then find out how easy it is to get along.
As you find your soul-reservoir of peace, less and less controversy will be able to afflict your life.
Subtle astral colors... are hidden in everything around you. Could you but see, you would be amazed at their beauty.
Seek spiritual riches within. What you are is much greater than anyone or anything else you have ever yearned for.
Humans become angels on earth, not in heaven.
Coercion or compulsion never brings about growth. It is freedom that accelerates evolution.
Mind is the creator of everything.
Never neglect what you can do for yourself in the form of another.
Each minute of life should be a divine quest.
God is simple, everything else is complex
From joy I came, for joy I live, in sacred joy I melt.