Paul Schrader Messages

Best 20+ Paul Schrader Messages, Quotes, and Images

Paul Schrader Thoughts

Paul Schrader Thoughts

I want to be happy; why do I do things that make me unhappy?

Author: Paul Schrader

Paul Schrader Quotes Images

Paul Schrader Quotes Images

Once you have a situation that is fresh, then you sort of believe in it and it becomes normal. So you do end up with protagonists that haven't been in other movies before.

Author: Paul Schrader

Paul Schrader Messages

Paul Schrader Messages

Let's just shoot in black and white. Don't explain why. Have no reason for it. Just do it because it's interesting.

Author: Paul Schrader

Short Paul Schrader Quotes

Short Paul Schrader Quotes

I get bored very easily. I find most movies boring. I go to movies and ask, "How do they stay awake making this?"

Author: Paul Schrader

Simple Paul Schrader Messages

Simple Paul Schrader Messages

You think it's a blessing to know what God wants? I'll tell you what he wants. He wants to push me over! Can't he see what's inside of me? All my sins.

Author: Paul Schrader

Paul Schrader Thoughts

Paul Schrader Thoughts

That's just my disposition - to create a situation where you have to come up with something.

Author: Paul Schrader

Paul Schrader Messages Images

Paul Schrader Messages Images

You can't take contradiction away. Part of the fun of it is that the contradiction never really quite goes away.

Author: Paul Schrader

Short Paul Schrader Messages

Short Paul Schrader Messages

Nobody has shot a strip club in black and white in a long time.

Author: Paul Schrader

Unique Paul Schrader Thoughts

Unique Paul Schrader Thoughts

'Taxi Driver' wasn't autobiographical in terms of the actual events, but I did draw on my own mental state.

Author: Paul Schrader

Simple Paul Schrader Quotes

Simple Paul Schrader Quotes

All the animals come out at night.

Author: Paul Schrader

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No favor can win gratitude from a cat.

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I'm just a girl from a trailer park who had a dream. I never thought this would ever happen.

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Even beyond sexuality, I'm generally interested in identity.

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Those artists who say that somehow therapy or analysis will thwart their creativity are completely misinformed. It's absolutely the opposite: it opens closed doors.

Author: Paul Schrader