Paul Wellstone Quotes

Best 20+ Paul Wellstone Messages, Quotes, and Images

Paul Wellstone Thoughts

Paul Wellstone Thoughts

We all do better, when we all do better.

Author: Paul Wellstone

Paul Wellstone Quotes Images

Paul Wellstone Quotes Images

Never separate the life you live from the words you speak.

Author: Paul Wellstone

Paul Wellstone Messages

Paul Wellstone Messages

The people of this country, not special interest big money, should be the source of all political power.

Author: Paul Wellstone

Short Paul Wellstone Quotes

Short Paul Wellstone Quotes

Politics is not left, right or center It's about improving people's lives.

Author: Paul Wellstone

Simple Paul Wellstone Messages

Simple Paul Wellstone Messages

I don't think politics has anything to do with left, right, or center. It has to do with trying to do right by people.

Author: Paul Wellstone

Paul Wellstone Thoughts

Paul Wellstone Thoughts

We must regain our vision and hope and move our country forward on an agenda of peace and justice.

Author: Paul Wellstone

Paul Wellstone Messages Images

Paul Wellstone Messages Images

Politics isn't about big money or power games; it's about the improvement of people's lives.

Author: Paul Wellstone

Short Paul Wellstone Messages

Short Paul Wellstone Messages

Education and democracy have the same goal: the fullest possible development of human capabilities.

Author: Paul Wellstone

Unique Paul Wellstone Thoughts

Unique Paul Wellstone Thoughts

We're not going to have real security until we invest in our children.

Author: Paul Wellstone

Simple Paul Wellstone Quotes

Simple Paul Wellstone Quotes

The only way to change is to vote. People are responsible.

Author: Paul Wellstone

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