Peter O'Toole Quotes

Best 40+ Peter O'Toole Messages, Quotes, and Images

Peter O'Toole Thoughts

Peter O'Toole Thoughts

I will not be an ordinary man, because I have a right to be extraordinary.

Author: Peter O'Toole

Peter O'Toole Quotes Images

Peter O'Toole Quotes Images

There may be honor among thieves, but there's none in politicians.

Author: Peter O'Toole

Peter O'Toole Messages

Peter O'Toole Messages

I did quite enjoy the days when one went for a beer at one's local in Paris and woke up in Corsica.

Author: Peter O'Toole

Short Peter O'Toole Quotes

Short Peter O'Toole Quotes

The only exercise I take is walking behind the coffins of friends who took exercise.

Author: Peter O'Toole

Simple Peter O'Toole Messages

Simple Peter O'Toole Messages

George Eliot is my only steady girlfriend. We go to bed together every night.

Author: Peter O'Toole

Peter O'Toole Thoughts

Peter O'Toole Thoughts

I will not be a common man. I will stir the smooth sands of monotony.

Author: Peter O'Toole

Peter O'Toole Messages Images

Peter O'Toole Messages Images

Marriage is forever. It's like cement.

Author: Peter O'Toole

Short Peter O'Toole Messages

Short Peter O'Toole Messages

I can't stand light. I hate weather. My idea of heaven is moving from one smoke-filled room to another.

Author: Peter O'Toole

Unique Peter O'Toole Thoughts

Unique Peter O'Toole Thoughts

A victory? What have we won? We've won a rock in the middle of a wasteland, on the shores of a poisoned sea.

Author: Peter O'Toole

Simple Peter O'Toole Quotes

Simple Peter O'Toole Quotes

And maddest of all, to see life as it is and not as it should be.

Author: Peter O'Toole

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