Philip Seymour Hoffman Quotes
Philip Seymour Hoffman Quotes with Images
Philip Seymour Hoffman Quotes with Images
I got sober when I was 22 years old.
I don't get nervous when I'm directing a play. It's not like acting.
I like so many different kinds of music just because all I did was listen to the radio as a kid.
I think I'm less anonymous than I was.
All over the world, young men and young women will always dream dreams.
No one wants to be pretentious about what they do or take it seriously, because that is just weird.
I try to live my life in such a way that I don't have any regrets. That's probably why I work so much. I don't want to feel I missed something important.
Ultimately, I think writing is a mixture of craft, inspiration, and being incredibly, courageously explorative with yourself - and being brutally honest, too.
The ambition, the drive, the wanting to be the centre of attention, the wanting to succeed... They're all inside me somewhere.
I have an awful memory, and I have a great memory. Meaning that, if I'm trying to remember something, I can't remember it. But my recall is fantastic.
Ultimately what I'll do next is up in the air for me.
The weight comes off, you know? If you stop with the bread and the pie, it really does. It really works.
Good work is the only thing that would make me feel jealous or envious.
It's important to say that actors can't act alone, it's impossible. What we have to do is support each other.
I think directors should be confident in their leadership capabilities. I think directors should be confident in what they want to do.
I had insecurities and fears like everybody does, and I got over it. But I was interested in the parts of me that struggled with those things.
People actually live with their id exposed. They're not good at concealing what's going on inside.
Yeah, writers do hate writing.
The drama nerd comes out in me when I'm in a theater.
Great talent admits shortcomings.
The strange thing is I never thought I'd do films.
Why you do something is always kind of a mystery to me.
I feel like I made a little bit of difference.
I've worked with a lot of characters that are unhinged. I've played characters that are unhinged. That's, like, my job.
My soul is in good shape.
There is no pleasure that I haven't actually made myself sick on.
To act well isn't an easy thing.
My image of Jesus is someone who is exciting... Were he alive today, he would be causing havoc!
You have all the influence you choose to have.
I always thought I'd be a New York theater actor, riding my bicycle to rehearsal. That was all I ever wanted.
Well, I think everyone struggles with self-love.
Creating anything is hard.
I know I wasn't as handsome as some other guys, but I was OK with that.
Life's pretty funny when you're objectively on the outside looking at it.
Creating something is all about problem-solving.
There’s a period of time in your life when I kind of look back, and I’m like, was I happy, or was I just not aware?
Learning how to die is therefore learning how to live.
Something that could bring you wealth and fame could also be your end, your undoing.
One person's religion is another person's cult.
I think you gotta have an honesty and a humility about human nature and that it's not about you at the end of the day.
If you're a human being walking the earth, you're weird, you're strange, you're psychologically challenged.
I think you should be serious about what you do because this is it. This is the only life you've got.
To be loved, I think, is the thing that gets you up in the morning.
The only true currency in this bankrupt world is what you share with someone else when you're uncool.