There are far more good answers "out there" than there are in you.
Author: Ray Dalio
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Don't worry about looking good - worry about achieving your goals.
Author: Ray Dalio
Ray Dalio Messages
Treat your life like a game.
Author: Ray Dalio
Short Ray Dalio Quotes
An economy is not a complicated thing; it just has a lot of moving parts.
Author: Ray Dalio
Simple Ray Dalio Messages
Successful people ask for the criticism of others and consider its merit.
Author: Ray Dalio
Ray Dalio Thoughts
When you're centered, your emotions are not hijacking you.
Author: Ray Dalio
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If you have the power to see things through somebody else's eyes, it's like going from black and white to color or two dimensions to three dimensions.
Author: Ray Dalio
Short Ray Dalio Messages
When growth is slower than expected, stocks go down. When inflation is higher than expected, bonds go down. When inflation's lower than expected, bonds go up.
Author: Ray Dalio
Unique Ray Dalio Thoughts
To test if you are worrying too much about looking good, observe how you feel when you find out you've made a mistake or don't know something.
Author: Ray Dalio
Simple Ray Dalio Quotes
Like the saying goes, don't believe everything you read.