Tears were for the weaker days, I'm stronger now
Author: Rihanna
We found love in a hopeless place.
I stand up for what I believe in and a lot of the time that can be against people's opinion.
Put your troubles aside and start living.
I am never satisfied; I always want more. I always want to get better. I always want to climb another step.
Ask God for forgiveness, and leave your regrets in the past!
I'm crazy and I don't pretend to be anything else.
I don't do things for the response or for the controversy. I just live my life.
You will never be stylish if you don't take risks.
If someone is right for you, you'll know it.
Sad Status
Love Status
Attitude Status
Alone Status
Good Morning status
Attitude Status for Boys
Breakup Status
Good Night status
Attitude Status for Girls
Love Status for Girls
Everybody wants to be somebody. The thing you have to do is give them confidence they can. You have to give a kid a dream.
Author: George Foreman
What we think or what we know or what we believe is in the end of little consequence. The only thing of consequence is what we do
Author: John Ruskin
The truth will make you odd.
Author: Judy Blume
Rest when you're weary. Refresh and renew yourself, your body, your mind, your spirit. Then get back to work.
Author: Ralph Marston
I think a lot of people are afraid of being happy because of what others might think of it.
Love Quotes & Messages
Sad Quotes & Messages
Breakup Quotes & Messages
Angry Quotes & Messages
Love Status in Hindi
Sad Status in Hindi
Attitude Status in Hindi
Alone Status in Hindi
Good Night Status in Hindi
Good Morning Status in Hindi
Mahakal Status
Radhe Krishna Status
Birthday Messages
Birthday Messages for Mom
Birthday Messages for Dad
Birthday Messages for Friends