Robert Duvall Quotes

Robert Duvall Quotes with Images

Robert Duvall Quotes

Way, way, way back I played a little bit, but I am definitely not a golfer. You know, it just takes too much time anyway during the course of the day.

Seeing your name on the list for KP or guard duty when you're in the Army is like reading a bad review.

There's no smoking section in heaven.

Very often some of the religious miracle plays you see on television can be very corny, I find. And so simplistic.

When I'm at home in Virginia, I become more hermit-like. I like my own home.

Look, Hollywood's a mecca, but it's not the final answer. If you pick up a camera anyplace in the world, you can make a movie.

I always thought of myself as a later bloomer, so I like some of my work more later than earlier.

I love working in Texas anywhere.

When you dance tango fast, you have to think slow.

What drives me is I love my profession. I love to do it.

My uncle always said that I could have been a rancher.

I'm a man without a corporation.

You have a little bit of feeling for everyone you play.

Around my own friends, I like to mess around.

Spending two years on my uncle's ranch in Montana as a young man gave me the wisdom and the thrust to do westerns.

A young actor once asked me, What do you do between jobs? I said, Hobbies, hobbies, and more hobbies.

From the cradle to the grave, I always figure that we all have our individual journeys, and maybe my journey was a positive one and I accomplished certain things without stepping on too many toes.

Hollywood is still the mecca for good or bad, but it isn't the beginning or end for filmmaking.

One thing I like about Argentina, they only cook with salt; that's it.

We all have a cradle-to-the-grave journey to make and, in between, what do you do? There's got to be something hereafter.

There's a lot of ignorance in our business... Everybody's an authority. To have your own vision is rewarding.

If you don't have heroes in the beginning, you don't grow.

I hope I left behind a legacy that people will enjoy. But whatever they want to say, I can't predict.

There was nothing wrong with shouting at God.

The beginning and the end of the tango are the walk.

Being a star is an agent's dream, not an actor's.

I love the smell of juice boxes in the morning.

To this day, I still think Lonesome Dove is my best part.

Listening to critics is like letting Muhammad Ali decide which astronaut goes to the moon.

There's no right or wrong just truthful or untruthful.

I take a vitamin every day; it's called a steak.

If you piss your pants, you can only stay warm for so long.

The one you fight with the most is always the one who’s most like you.

When I knew nothing, I thought I could do anything.

We either accept weaknesses in good people or we have to tear pages out of the Bible.

Never use the money to measure wealth, son.

Not every successful man is a good father. But every good father is a successful man.

Everybody likes to win.

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Way, way, way back I played a little bit, but I am definitely not a golfer. You know, it just takes too much time anyway during the course of the day.
Seeing your name on the list for KP or guard duty when you're in the Army is like reading a bad review.
There's no smoking section in heaven.
Very often some of the religious miracle plays you see on television can be very corny, I find. And so simplistic.
When I'm at home in Virginia, I become more hermit-like. I like my own home.
Look, Hollywood's a mecca, but it's not the final answer. If you pick up a camera anyplace in the world, you can make a movie.
I always thought of myself as a later bloomer, so I like some of my work more later than earlier.
I love working in Texas anywhere.
When you dance tango fast, you have to think slow.
What drives me is I love my profession. I love to do it.
My uncle always said that I could have been a rancher.
I'm a man without a corporation.
You have a little bit of feeling for everyone you play.
Around my own friends, I like to mess around.
Spending two years on my uncle's ranch in Montana as a young man gave me the wisdom and the thrust to do westerns.
A young actor once asked me, What do you do between jobs? I said, Hobbies, hobbies, and more hobbies.
From the cradle to the grave, I always figure that we all have our individual journeys, and maybe my journey was a positive one and I accomplished certain things without stepping on too many toes.
Hollywood is still the mecca for good or bad, but it isn't the beginning or end for filmmaking.
One thing I like about Argentina, they only cook with salt; that's it.
We all have a cradle-to-the-grave journey to make and, in between, what do you do? There's got to be something hereafter.
There's a lot of ignorance in our business... Everybody's an authority. To have your own vision is rewarding.
If you don't have heroes in the beginning, you don't grow.
I hope I left behind a legacy that people will enjoy. But whatever they want to say, I can't predict.
There was nothing wrong with shouting at God.
The beginning and the end of the tango are the walk.
Being a star is an agent's dream, not an actor's.
I love the smell of juice boxes in the morning.
To this day, I still think Lonesome Dove is my best part.
Listening to critics is like letting Muhammad Ali decide which astronaut goes to the moon.
There's no right or wrong just truthful or untruthful.
I take a vitamin every day; it's called a steak.
If you piss your pants, you can only stay warm for so long.
The one you fight with the most is always the one who’s most like you.
When I knew nothing, I thought I could do anything.
We either accept weaknesses in good people or we have to tear pages out of the Bible.
Never use the money to measure wealth, son.
Not every successful man is a good father. But every good father is a successful man.
Everybody likes to win.