Rosa Parks Quotes
Rosa Parks Quotes with Images
Rosa Parks Quotes with Images
I was ready to die but give my consent never. Never, never.
All I was trying to do was get home from work.
Arrest me for sitting on a bus? You may do that.
Racial pride and self-dignity were emphasized in my family and community.
I did not get on the bus to get arrested. I got on the bus to go home.
My only concern was to get home after a hard day's work.
Our mistreatment was just not right, and I was tired of it.
I will always work for human rights for all people.
I see the energy of young people as a real force for positive change.
Knowing what must be done does away with fear.
Black women are very capable of leading our organizations. I believe that firmly.
I want to be treated like a human being.
The only tired I was, was tired of giving in.
There is no future without education.
Memories of our lives, of our works and our deeds will continue in others.
I had no idea that history was being made. I was just tired of giving up.
If I can sit down for freedom, you can stand up for children.
I knew someone had to take the first step. So I made up my mind not to move.
Each person must live their life as a model for others.
It is better to protest than to accept injustice.
It takes more than one person to bring about peace - it takes all of us.
Without a vision, the people perish, but without courage, dreams die.
One person can change the world.
you must never be fearful about what you are doing when it is right.