Sacha Baron Cohen Quotes

Best 10+ Sacha Baron Cohen Messages, Quotes, and Images

Sacha Baron Cohen Thoughts

Sacha Baron Cohen Thoughts

Sex can lead to nasty things like herpes, gonorrhea, and something called relationships.

Author: Sacha Baron Cohen

Sacha Baron Cohen Quotes Images

Sacha Baron Cohen Quotes Images

It's nice to be important, but it's also important to be nice. Never forget that.

Author: Sacha Baron Cohen

Sacha Baron Cohen Messages

Sacha Baron Cohen Messages

I think if you come from a history of persecution you have to develop a sense of humour.

Author: Sacha Baron Cohen

Short Sacha Baron Cohen Quotes

Short Sacha Baron Cohen Quotes

A good wife must be strong enough to pull a plough and have a very erotic physique.

Author: Sacha Baron Cohen

Simple Sacha Baron Cohen Messages

Simple Sacha Baron Cohen Messages

Follow your dreams, work hard, practice and persevere. Get plenty of exercises and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Author: Sacha Baron Cohen

Sacha Baron Cohen Thoughts

Sacha Baron Cohen Thoughts

To single out a particular group and say we can't make a joke about them is almost a form of prejudice and it's kind of patronizing.

Author: Sacha Baron Cohen

Sacha Baron Cohen Messages Images

Sacha Baron Cohen Messages Images

Thank you to every American who has not sued me so far.

Author: Sacha Baron Cohen

Short Sacha Baron Cohen Messages

Short Sacha Baron Cohen Messages

For a number of years in England, nobody had any idea what I looked like.

Author: Sacha Baron Cohen

Unique Sacha Baron Cohen Thoughts

Unique Sacha Baron Cohen Thoughts

Normally in dangerous situations I have a getaway car.

Author: Sacha Baron Cohen

Simple Sacha Baron Cohen Quotes

Simple Sacha Baron Cohen Quotes

Jews have a tendency to become comedians.

Author: Sacha Baron Cohen

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