Shakira Quotes

Shakira Quotes with Images

Shakira Quotes

You want to be skinny and have a good body? You have to work out every day and say no to certain foods.

For several years I worried a lot about protecting an image, but today, I have understood that the image cannot be preconceived.

I have such a respect and fascination for dance. I can be light as air or stay grounded. Dance is really another universe.

You're a song written by the hands of God.

The worst mistake of a woman is to go to the kitchen because then she never gets out of there.

I started the Pies Descalzos foundation in Colombia when I was 18, I have been very involved in the crusade for education.

I want some day to be able to love with the same intensity and unselfishness that parents love their children with.

I love reading about history. Sometimes, I feel I was born in the wrong era. There was more creativity in the air when people were still discovering new worlds.

I went to the gym before in my life. But, at 32, I notice that my body responds negatively to bad food, so I must make double the effort.

It's not easy to work with me, I recognize that. It's not easy if those people aren't as perfectionistic as I am.

I'm like a mosquito, I love humidity. I don't sweat.

I'm not a trained dancer, but I grew up in a culture that revolves around dance.

I'm more afraid of marriage than death.

I'm Colombian and nothing will change that.

I consider myself a laborer, building my career brick over brick under the sun.

I always had the intuition, even as a little child, that I was called for a big project.

Because of you, I'm running out of reasons to cry.

My main hope for my children would be that whatever profession or calling they choose in life, they pursue it with passion.

My man prefers meat over bone.

Fame isolates people from reality. That happens to many artists, and I don't want it to happen to me.

I'm someone who has always been very stubborn and strong-willed. I never gave up.

If I could, I'd live in the nude, like Eve in paradise.

My hips don't lie and I don't lie either!

Nationalism is cured by travelling.

I consider myself a survivor more than anything else.

You collect impressions from people, from life, from your own daydreams.

I am trying to make my accent so it won't bother anyone, but I am not going to drive myself crazy trying to pretend I am an American girl when I am from Colombia.

Education is literally the difference between success and failure, or even life and death for many children.

I think it's my energy and love of life that has been the real key to my fame and success.

I've always thought of myself as a woman who works hard, believes in herself, and wants to accomplish as much as possible.

I believe education is the key. As an activist and a child of the developing world, I witnessed education's power to transform lives.

If you can prove the existence of God, it can only be proven through love.

In the full light of day, I don't want to think about the sunset.

Even after I got some recognition and success, I still had to work hard and prove myself.

I live for freedom, and freedom is a lie.

Our leaders are lacking love, and love is lacking leaders.

Walking gets too boring, when you learn how to fly.

Live your life to the fullest.

Music has given a voice to many generations, and I think we, as artists, can be a part of creating a better world.

My brain, I believe, is the most beautiful part of my body.

You have to be very strong and tough-minded if you want to survive.

I prefer an ugly truth to a pretty lie. If someone is telling me the truth that is when I will give my heart.

Scars remind me of just how far that I've come.

There's no better makeup than self-confidence.

In this life, to earn your place you have to fight for it.

You can't achieve anything in life without a small amount of sacrifice.

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You want to be skinny and have a good body? You have to work out every day and say no to certain foods.
For several years I worried a lot about protecting an image, but today, I have understood that the image cannot be preconceived.
I have such a respect and fascination for dance. I can be light as air or stay grounded. Dance is really another universe.
You're a song written by the hands of God.
The worst mistake of a woman is to go to the kitchen because then she never gets out of there.
I started the Pies Descalzos foundation in Colombia when I was 18, I have been very involved in the crusade for education.
I want some day to be able to love with the same intensity and unselfishness that parents love their children with.
I love reading about history. Sometimes, I feel I was born in the wrong era. There was more creativity in the air when people were still discovering new worlds.
I went to the gym before in my life. But, at 32, I notice that my body responds negatively to bad food, so I must make double the effort.
It's not easy to work with me, I recognize that. It's not easy if those people aren't as perfectionistic as I am.
I'm like a mosquito, I love humidity. I don't sweat.
I'm not a trained dancer, but I grew up in a culture that revolves around dance.
I'm more afraid of marriage than death.
I'm Colombian and nothing will change that.
I consider myself a laborer, building my career brick over brick under the sun.
I always had the intuition, even as a little child, that I was called for a big project.
Because of you, I'm running out of reasons to cry.
My main hope for my children would be that whatever profession or calling they choose in life, they pursue it with passion.
My man prefers meat over bone.
Fame isolates people from reality. That happens to many artists, and I don't want it to happen to me.
I'm someone who has always been very stubborn and strong-willed. I never gave up.
If I could, I'd live in the nude, like Eve in paradise.
My hips don't lie and I don't lie either!
Nationalism is cured by travelling.
I consider myself a survivor more than anything else.
You collect impressions from people, from life, from your own daydreams.
I am trying to make my accent so it won't bother anyone, but I am not going to drive myself crazy trying to pretend I am an American girl when I am from Colombia.
Education is literally the difference between success and failure, or even life and death for many children.
I think it's my energy and love of life that has been the real key to my fame and success.
I've always thought of myself as a woman who works hard, believes in herself, and wants to accomplish as much as possible.
I believe education is the key. As an activist and a child of the developing world, I witnessed education's power to transform lives.
If you can prove the existence of God, it can only be proven through love.
In the full light of day, I don't want to think about the sunset.
Even after I got some recognition and success, I still had to work hard and prove myself.
I live for freedom, and freedom is a lie.
Our leaders are lacking love, and love is lacking leaders.
Walking gets too boring, when you learn how to fly.
Live your life to the fullest.
Music has given a voice to many generations, and I think we, as artists, can be a part of creating a better world.
My brain, I believe, is the most beautiful part of my body.
You have to be very strong and tough-minded if you want to survive.
I prefer an ugly truth to a pretty lie. If someone is telling me the truth that is when I will give my heart.
Scars remind me of just how far that I've come.
There's no better makeup than self-confidence.
In this life, to earn your place you have to fight for it.
You can't achieve anything in life without a small amount of sacrifice.