Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Quotes

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Quotes with Images

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Quotes

If you're not at peace, nothing else matters

Spirituality is a harmonious blend of outer silence and inner celebration; and also inner silence and outer celebration!

The overwhelming problem in the world today, everyone knows, is terrorism, where people in the name of religion kill each other, kill others just to go to heaven, and thinking only they will go to heaven.

A disease-free body, quiver-free breath, stress-free mind, inhibition-free intellect, obsession-free memory, ego that includes all, and soul which is free from sorrow is the birthright of every human being.

The first thing we do when we're born is we breathe in, and we cry. And the last thing we do when we die is we breathe out, and other people cry.

Whatever is needed for you and your body will be taken care of, when you know this the lack will disappear from your life. When you realise ISHA permeates your everything you relax and are at ease - that is when things happen.

Dissolving the name is awareness. Dissolving the form is meditation. The world is name and form. Bliss transcends name and form.

The entire universe is just an expression, projection, of the Being, of the Self. Within this small body, you are able to experience the infinite space.

Worldly love can be like an ocean, yet an ocean has a bottom. Divine love is like the sky - limitless, infinite. From the bottom of the ocean soar into the vast sky

For a seeker, Guru Purnima is a day of significance, is a day of New Year. It is the day to review one’s progress on the spiritual path and renew one’s determination and focus on the goal, and to resolve what one wants to do in the coming year

When you are in touch with the Inner Being then irrespective of the outer state, you remain in a perpetual state of happiness!

When we look at the world through the eyes of the Master, the world will look so much more beautiful - not a nasty place, but a place filled with love, joy, compassion and all virtues

This ancient practice of the Rudrabhishekam, with the chanting of mantras, has been happening since thousands of years. It creates such a deep resonance in our consciousness, because our consciousness is very ancient

The problems in the world were made so that you don’t get stuck and attached to this world. You get stuck with this world even though there are so many problems. Imagine if there are no problems, then you will never want to leave this material world!

Prayer within breath is silence, love within infinity is silence, Wisdom without word is silence, compassion without aim is silence, action without doer is silence, smiling with all existence is silence

Keeping the mind open to new ideas, not being too anxious about success, putting 100% effort and meditation is the formula for entrepreneurs.

Yoga takes you close to your true nature. Yoga with its techniques helps you to harmonize with nature. Peace is our very nature, and yoga leads you to inner peace

In the Vedic Calender, the year 2013 is said to be the year of Victory. Victory of the Good over Bad.It is said to begin in the end of march.

When you make Service your sole purpose in life, it eliminates fear, focuses your mind and gives you meaning.

Sickness is not just in the body, it could be in the mind, it could be in your intellect; it could be in the inhibitions of your intellect

The purpose of laughter is to bring one to silence, and the purpose of silence is to bring one to laughter.

Practice meditation. Become a seeker. Walk the path of the seeker. You will get the best of everything the world has to offer.

Boredom is a blessing when it leads you to wisdom. And boredom is a curse when it leads you to frustration and depression.

When every action of yours is preceded by witnessing, then every move you make in this world becomes perfect and significant.

When you become content in life, you gain the power to bless others. This is the law of nature.

Love combined with wisdom is bliss, and that is devotion. Devotion is a strong bond, a sense of belongingness. Everybody is born with it. It’s just like becoming a child again

This deep sense of feeling that, 'I am' blessed can help you overcome any obstacle in life. It gives you courage and confidence and it will open you up for grace to pour in.

Satguru knows that there is no death to the disciple. Atma never dies. Even after death he continues to get direction on the path

When there is a fountain of colours, they add charm to your life. In ignorance, emotions are a bother; in knowledge, the same emotions add colours.. enjoy the day with Wisdom!

Do not be feverish about success, if your aim is clear and you have patience to move towards it, nature will support you.

Happiness depends only on your mind. When the mind is free of past impressions and future cravings, happiness is there.

In the East they say suffering is avoidable and not necessary. Life is bliss! You know why? This is because wisdom, yoga and meditation are ways to avoid suffering which has not yet come.

Space and silence are synonymous. Joy, fulfillment brings the silence. Desire brings noise. Silence is the cure, because in silence you come back to the source, and that creates joy

Have "eternal wait," infinite patience. When you have infinite patience, you will realize God belongs to you. Either through awareness or through practice you reach the same spot.

Remember those wonderful moments you have had. Sit and be with it. In that very memory your entire Being gets back to that state

Our breath plays a very important role in our life. The breath is the connecting link between the inner world of the mind and the outer world of the body and environment.

Life works on strange laws of nature (Karma). One never knows when a friend turns enemy & vice-versa. Rely on your Self; self-reliance

Suffering is a product of limited knowledge.

Let my hands be of service to people. Let me earn wisdom through my hands. Let my hands do good work

Charity should be self-sustainable. That is, it should create more wealth rather than perpetuating the cycle of poverty and dependence. In this sense, the best form of charity would be providing quality education for children and more importantly, building a good character in them.

You should not delay the good things in life. Just do them. Whenever you get a chance to do spiritual practice or seva, don’t miss it. Those are the real precious moments of your life.

Success means crossing a limit. To cross a limit you need to assume that you have a limit. Assuming a limit is underestimating yourself. If you have no boundaries then where is your success?

Peace is the first step to equip yourself to face problems. Once you find the peace and the inner strength, then you can face any problem. It won’t even appear as a problem then.

That which you cannot express is Love. That which you cannot reject/renounce is Beauty. That which you cannot avoid is the Truth.

Your desire for consistency itself will set you on the right path. As long as you keep going up, never mind if you come down once or twice.

A Guru is there to show you what you are. You are not different from Me. Whatever I am, that is what you are.

When you are infinitely indebted for your body, for Knowledge, for things you have received, and for your own life, then you bask in the abundance of the Creator

In your very nature, in the depth of your mind, there is omnipresence, omnipotence, omniscience. All knowledge is already in the depth of your consciousness, of your mind.

In Samadhi, that very deep state of meditation, you are given energy and long-lasting bliss. It carries you higher and higher until your very presence radiates love

Beauty is an inner phenomenon. Beauty is not in objects, not in people, not even in the eyes of the beholder. It lies in the heart of every person

Do not make an effort to impress others. When you come from the self, your expression is perfect and your impression lasts for ages.

If you are bombarded by so many thoughts in solitude, you are in ignorance. If you are calm even amidst a crowd then you are in knowledge.

How do we get out of our small mind? When we enquire into the core of our existence. What is life? Who am I? This spirit of self-inquiry can awaken something inside you.

When people lose faith in the natural goodness of the human character, the lack of trust in spiritual goodness, that is one reason why corruption has become so widespread today.

The very purpose for being in this body, for every one of us, is to live and rejoice in that virgin area, that untouched, pure and ever green,blissful area of our Self

To be free from ignorance you need knowledge. The mind should turn inward. Silence takes the mind inward and helps you to recognize who you are.

A game is where you win and lose, and both are part of it. When there is more chance of losing, it is more charming. The game has value when it is tough. So some little problems that come in life are part of the whole game.

You walk until you come to the ocean. You don't walk or run in the ocean - you float and swim. Like this once you come to the Master, seeking stops, blossoming begins.

Human rights means protecting another's freedom, seeing that the other person is also like oneself. Human rights is giving others security, letting them live.

Silence is bringing you back home, and it gives you that much needed energy to realize 'Who You Are', to realize that there is bliss, there is beauty, there is joy, and that is 'You'

A successful man has the following qualities: A smile that doesn't die; patience; fearless mind; love; self- confidence; love for everybody.

You should be dynamic, and still be soft in the heart. You should stand against injustice and simultaneously, be compassionate within you, like a saint. Be a saint and a soldier, together

Wise is the one who learns from another´s mistakes. Less wise is the one who learns only from his own mistakes. The fool keeps making the same mistakes again and again and never learns from them.

The role of women in the development of society is of utmost importance. In fact, it is the only thing that determines whether a society is strong and harmonious, or otherwise. Women are the backbone of society.

Never underestimate your life. It is most precious. You never know what talents are hidden within you and what you have to offer to the world!

In the presence of your Satguru, knowledge flourishes; sorrow diminishes; without any reason joy wells up; lack diminishes, abundance dawns and all talents manifest

Real beauty is when you're centered, when our mind is with the truth. That is how every baby is beautiful because they are centered.

Your non attachment to the mundane is your charm. Your attachment to the divine is your beauty.

Truth is hidden by the golden veil of the mundane. Pierce through this thin glittering sheath and know that you are the Sun

Make the whole life a game. There is no purpose there is no aim, nothing. Just take it lightly, easily. Play the game. that is worship, which is celebration.

Contentment and happiness! Do everything happily. Walk, talk, sit happily; even if you complain against somebody, do it happily.

The criteria for success: you are free, you live in the present moment, you are useful to the people around you, and you feel love for all humanity.

The knowledge that unites love and wisdom, that uplifts the spirit is spirituality. The knowledge which gives you a broad vision and a big heart is spirituality.

Don't focus on what others want. See what it is that you want. When you stop looking inside and look at others, that is when you miss the boat.

In meditation, healing can happen. When the mind is calm, alert and totally contented, then it is like a laser beam - it is very powerful and healing can happen.

Wherever there is sincerity & talent, people do recognize them. It may take some time but we should have some patience and hold on to our passion.

Want, or desire, arises when you are not happy. Have you seen this? When you are very happy then there is contentment. Contentment means no want.

Take some time off to go within, in silence. With that, your charm becomes eternal, your love becomes unconditional & great strength arises.

You are solidified silence, awareness. A thousand hours of speech cannot equal one glance: a hundred glances cannot equal a minute of silence

Have a goal in life. When water is everywhere, it is a flood, but if it is in between banks, it is a river. It is nice to have a goal, so your life force gets channelized!

Human evolution has two steps - from being somebody to being nobody; and from being nobody to being everybody. This knowledge can bring sharing and caring throughout the world.

Purpose of words is to create silence. Purpose of action is to bring deep rest. Purpose of deep rest is to bring you fulfillment. In fulfillment you find joy, bliss

You sell your happiness for peanuts! You sell your smile for pennies! I tell you, it's not worth it. The entire world is not worth your smile. Even if you are made the king or the emperor of the world, it's not worth giving away your smile.

If you make someone feel guilty about their mistake, then you have not forgiven them. That guilt is itself punishment.

In true love there is no heart break. A broken heat means broken demands, broken expectations and broken hopes.

Look at your life in contrast with the magnitude of creation, space and time. Your life becomes insignificant. Ego disappears.

If something is not working today, then something better is in store. This surety should be in our mind.

Don’t keep your head turned backwards. Look ahead and move on. You are trying to walk forward with your head turned backward. This is why you feel miserable. Just let go!

If you are passionate, be passionate about the highest, the most wonderful, and the most beautiful. Be passionate about this entire creation for everything is so beautiful.

The world is full of paradoxes and life is full of opposites. The art is to embrace the opposites, accommodate the paradoxes and live with a smile.

We are always looking for solutions from someone else. We forget that if we turn our mind inward, we can get some ideas, some solutions.

All these seven colors are part of one rainbow, yet they are all different. They have their own quality, their own identity, their own flavor to it. So it is a rainbow. The Divine loves diversity, that is why he made us all different.

Feeling and experiencing infinity within this finite body, living timelessness within the time span of life - this is what you are here for

Repose in that peaceful, cool, calm, serene depth of your Being. You know, this is something immensely valuable and precious

With charity, money is purified. By service, our actions are purified. With music, our emotions are purified and with knowledge our intellect is purified.

Find the love you seek, by first finding the love within yourself. Learn to rest in that place within you that is your true home.

Your worries, your feelings, your thoughts arise in your own mind. You are totally responsible for all your feelings - how you feel, what you think, what you do... You are responsible.

When you move with this thought that 'I want', then the mind wanders. When you move with this thought that 'I have received', then you are content.

Spiritual blossoming simply means blossoming in life in all dimensions - being happy, at ease with yourself and with everybody around you.

Misery is not given by anyone or anything in life. It is your own mind which makes you miserable or happy and uplifted.

I tell you, deep inside you is a fountain of bliss, a fountain of joy. Deep inside your center core is truth, light, love, there is no guilt there, there is no fear there. Psychologists have never looked deep enough.

Make the Universal personal and you become richer, wiser and stronger. Make the personal Universal and you will find freedom, compassion and love

We need to do a cleansing process within ourselves. In sleep we get rid of fatigue, but the deeper stresses remain in our body. Sudarshan Kriya cleanses the system from the inside. The breath has a great secret to offer.

The signs of good health are an intellect which is free from inhibition and arrogance, a heart which is full of compassion is healthy, a confusion-free mind, a trauma-free memory and a sorrow-free soul.

Either a princess or a pauper can feel generous. Generosity is the quality of the spirit. When you feel generous your life becomes, abundant full of compassion and love.

Faith makes you stable and steady. It brings out the totality in you. Consolidation of your energy is faith. Dissemination of energy is doubt.

Foolishness is giving up without any effort or not giving up after putting in all your effort. Secret of freedom is putting all your effort and giving up!

When someone is drowning in the ocean of attachments, Surrender is the life jacket they can put on and wait for the rescue team

Devi energy (shakti) is there within all of us. Devi is not somewhere else, not in some other world. It is within us - Devi Shakti

Nature will never confront you with a problem you can't solve. You already have the answer, that is why the question appears before you.

For external beauty, you put on things; for real beauty, you have to drop all things. For external beauty you have to have make-up; for real beauty you only have to realize that you are already made up.

The Path of Love is not a tedious Path. It's a Path of joy. It's a Path of singing and dancing. It's not a desert. It is a valley of flowers

What puts you on the road is your desire to enjoy. What brings you home is being in love

Ego is just a feeling of having a wall between you and others. There is no wall. You belong to me and I belong to you. You are accepted the way you are.

When attention is given to the spiritual aspect of one's life, it brings a sense of belongingness, and responsibility, compassion and caring for the whole of humanity.

If there are ripples on the surface of a lake, we cannot see the depth. Similarly unless the mind is restful, we cannot experience the harmony and union within us.

If we sit deep in meditation, the glow within the body will brighten, and will expand and spread outside. That is Devi Puja

To love is to see the divine in the person beside us, and to meditate is to see the divine within us.

Technology has made the world into a Village. Spirituality has made it into a Global Family.

Sadhana is the real currency that you can use anywhere

Worrying doesn't make any difference, but working does and spirituality gives one the strength to work

Material wealth does not equate to success. Equanimity and peace of mind does

Religion keeps society divided. Spirituality unites it.

A Presence is in control of the whole Universe. You just do your part and relax!

In joy, in peace, in that soothing inner state, you will find happiness.

Your world is very small. Your world is bundle of your experiences. Have you observed this?

A mind in the present moment is meditation.

I never intended to start a new organisation but to share what I knew.

Meditation is not 'going somewhere;' it's diving deep here, this moment.

Knowledge of life brings confidence, and Knowledge of death makes you fearless and centred.

Yazidis are facing the worst genocide of our times. They have been reduced from 23 million to 1 million.

Make your home God's home and there will be light, love and abundance

Health is not the mere absence of disease, it is the dynamic expression of life.

When you see happiness in the happiness of others, that's when you will be truly happy.

Everywhere you see in creation there is Divine love. Love is the highest force, the greatest force, and the simplest

We do yoga to make life more beautiful.. to stop misery from entering our world.

Feel indebted. Feel grateful. Then abundance grows.

I have received and I want to give. This is the path to happiness and contentment.

It is the inner peace that can bring peace in our family, in society and ultimately, in the world.

Problems are here in this world so that we can realize our purpose in this world.

Yoga is a study of life, study of your body, breath, mind, intellect, memory, and ego. Study of your inner faculties!

One whose mind is turned inwards is ever in bliss

Meditation means seeing God within you, and love is seeing God in the person next to you.

Your life is infinite. You are as old as these mountains and you will remain for ever.

Love is the essence of the universe,. Love in action is service.

Effort is the key in the relative; effortlessness is the key to the Absolute.

To whatever degree we are alert, aware, to that degree we are living

When you consider Life as sacred,Nature waits on you

Meditation is the delicate art of doing nothing.

Don't be over complacent or too feverish, take a middle path.

Our words are there to bless people and bring peace to the world

Peace is our very nature, and yoga leads you to inner peace.

When you are totally defenseless, that's when you'll be strong.

Just as when spring comes, Nature celebrates, When Navaratri comes, the Spirit celebrates.

In life you can either have a guru or misery, you cannot have both.

You are all that you are longing for.

Recognize and honour your uniqueness.

Knowledge is the vaccination that keeps you away from the flu of misery

Everything is cleansed and purified by the rains, and the Earth blossoms in beauty.

We communicate much more through our presence than the words.

The more you give, the more you will get. Then life will become a sheer dance of love.

A goal or cause in life, will help you come out of your hunger for insatiable desires.

The rush to enjoy robs the joy from life and only denies the happiness and freedom of here and now.

Keep wondering whether your waking reality is a dream and you will wake up to the real.

The master is presence. The world is relativity and relativity has limitations. Presence is unlimited.

Drop all your botheration to me and be free of worry

The source of your mind is love and whatever you do to go to that source, is spiritual practice.

For those who do not have faith in God, fear is a way to protect them. But if faith is strong, there is no anxiety about something in danger.

When you are fully present, you are truly living; the rest of the time, you are merely existing

The positive aspect of competition in a business scenario is it helps you to be more alert and innovative.

A sign of intelligence is to see the One in many and find the many in One.

What path you choose is not important. How intensely you pursue that path is much more important

The wave uniting with its depth is yoga.

A poor man celebrates the New Year once a year. A rich man celebrates each day. But the richest man celebrates every moment.

You are always a winner. Sometimes you win, sometimes you make others win.

The whole creation is the dance of one consciousness

Your richness is on your ability to share and not in how much you have.

Longing gives you the power to bless. Bless the entire creation. For, the longing in you is God.

Faith is the subject of the head. Devotion is the subject of the heart and meditation connects both.

Through knowledge and devotion, transcend all karma and be free.

The visible sign of utter love is an undying smile.

Joy is never tomorrow it's always now!

Navratri represents how the negativity can be conquered by the inherent positive qualities in us.

Shiva is chidambaram, like the inner sky. Shiva is the inner sky of consciousness

Curiosity is the mother of science, wonder is the mother of spirituality.

Reaction and non-action both create karma, but conscious action transcends karma.

A fully blossomed human potential is enlightenment. It is becoming a child again, and coming back to your original nature.

Curiosity is the beginning of the mind, Wonder is the end of the mind.

When the energy is high and when there is love, healing happens automatically!

Worry is the enemy of love. You cannot be in love and be worried at the same time.

How far to heaven? Just open your eyes and look. You are in heaven.

If you can win over your mind, you can win over the whole world.

Have respect for yourself and no one can take away your self respect.

One who can learn to flow with the current as well as manage the current is the successful one.

Be light. Smile. Drop. Learn the tendency to drop and smile and move through.

See the possibility that people and things can change at any time and don't hold on to judgements.

There is nothing for you to take away from this world. You have come to give.

Difference between motivation and inspiration - Motivation is external and short lived. Inspiration is internal and lifelong

The power of spiritual knowledge gives you centeredness, which brings out passion in work & dispassion in meditation.

Meditate. A few minutes of deep meditation will connect you with the ocean of intuition deep within you.

Faith is what? Faith is to love something you have no idea about.

The best form of worship is to be happy, to be grateful.

Get out of your comfort zone and bring comfort to others.

You should have desires, but the desires should not have you.

Healthy is being physically strong, mentally calm and steady and emotionally soft

The bigger our vision for the world, the less personal worries we have.

Acceptance does not mean inaction; acceptance is actually acknowledging the present situation.

Events bring you small joy, while existence brings you bliss.

The best form of service is to uplift someone's state of mind.

Everything in this creation is a sign of celebration.

Make other comfortable and you will see that nature will take care of your comfort.

Existence is a Fact, Living is an Art

If our mind is pure, our desires get manifested quickly.

To grow in unconditional love and in beauty is spirituality.

Enthusiasm is the nature of life. Become one whose enthusiasm never dies.

Keeping the mind happy makes work effortless. This is the skill for productivity!

When you wish good for others, good things come back to you.

Talk less, but with more awareness. Every word you use, use purposefully.

You will find the Divine in the last place, because once you find it, you will not go on searching.

Patience in the mind and dynamism in action is the right formula.

Retain your shyness and drop your shame.

Only the heart can speak or hear that which is authentic

Hold on to your dreams, one day, it will come true.

In the present moment, we are all innocent. Wake up!

Be ready to face the worst. This will leave you with stability in your mind.

Spirituality is allowing compassion and love to flourish. When belongness begins, corruption ends.

Love is seeing God in the person next to us, and meditation is seeing God within us.

For success in life you need yukti (skill) and shakti (strength), Bhakti (Devotion ) and Mukti (Freedom).

Faith is realizing that you always get what you need.

Spiritual knowledge improves intuitive ability, innovative ability and communication.

Make your smile cheaper and anger expensive!

Celebration happens when the mind unites with the spirit.

Faith is giving the divine a chance to act.

Life is nothing to be very serious about. Life is a ball in your hands to play with. Don’t hold on to the ball.

Nature loves you ten times more than a mother loves her newborn.

When a bud breaks it becomes a flower, when a heart breaks it becomes divine.

Meditation is the journey from sound to silence, from movement to stillness, from a limited identity to unlimited space.

When everything is in abundance, dispassion happens. And when dispassion is there, everything comes in abundance.

Love is not an emotion. It is your very existence.

Love is giving everything and taking nothing

There is freedom when you realize that you are just a witness to all that is happening.

Even stupid people have a role to play in your life. They make you wiser and more patient.

If you are a taker of happiness you get misery, if you are a giver of happiness you get joy and love.

If you ever feel lonely and feel that no one loves you and cares for you - remember me.

Don't Fall in love, Rise in Love!

Today is a gift from God - that is why it is called the present.

The quality of our lives depends on the quality of our minds.

Your life is perfect, it is a perfect plan; it is a spontaneous miracle. It is both every moment.

Even if you win in ego it is a loss. Even if you lose in love it is a victory.

Let your smile change the world! Never let the world change your smile!

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Quotes Images - Download and Share

If you're not at peace, nothing else matters
Spirituality is a harmonious blend of outer silence and inner celebration; and also inner silence and outer celebration!
The overwhelming problem in the world today, everyone knows, is terrorism, where people in the name of religion kill each other, kill others just to go to heaven, and thinking only they will go to heaven.
A disease-free body, quiver-free breath, stress-free mind, inhibition-free intellect, obsession-free memory, ego that includes all, and soul which is free from sorrow is the birthright of every human being.
The first thing we do when we're born is we breathe in, and we cry. And the last thing we do when we die is we breathe out, and other people cry.
Whatever is needed for you and your body will be taken care of, when you know this the lack will disappear from your life. When you realise ISHA permeates your everything you relax and are at ease - that is when things happen.
Dissolving the name is awareness.
Dissolving the form is meditation.
The world is name and form.
Bliss transcends name and form.
The entire universe is just an expression, projection, of the Being, of the Self. Within this small body, you are able to experience the infinite space.
Worldly love can be like an ocean, yet an ocean has a bottom. Divine love is like the sky - limitless, infinite. From the bottom of the ocean soar into the vast sky
For a seeker, Guru Purnima is a day of significance, is a day of New Year. It is the day to review one’s progress on the spiritual path and renew one’s determination and focus on the goal, and to resolve what one wants to do in the coming year
When you are in touch with the Inner Being then
irrespective of the outer state, you remain in a perpetual state of happiness!
When we look at the world through the eyes of the Master, the world will look so much more beautiful - not a nasty place, but a place filled with love, joy, compassion and all virtues
This ancient practice of the Rudrabhishekam, with the chanting of mantras, has been happening since thousands of years. It creates such a deep resonance in our consciousness, because our consciousness is very ancient
The problems in the world were made so that you don’t get stuck and attached to this world. You get stuck with this world even though there are so many problems. Imagine if there are no problems, then you will never want to leave this material world!
Prayer within breath is silence, love within infinity is silence, Wisdom without word is silence, compassion without aim is silence, action without doer is silence, smiling with all existence is silence
Keeping the mind open to new ideas, not being too anxious about success, putting 100% effort and meditation is the formula for entrepreneurs.
Yoga takes you close to your true nature. Yoga with its techniques helps you to harmonize with nature. Peace is our very nature, and yoga leads you to inner peace
In the Vedic Calender, the year 2013 is said to be the year of Victory. Victory of the Good over Bad.It is said to begin in the end of march.
When you make Service your sole purpose in life, it eliminates fear, focuses your mind and gives you meaning.
Sickness is not just in the body, it could be in the mind, it could be in your intellect; it could be in the inhibitions of your intellect
The purpose of laughter is to bring one to silence, and the purpose of silence is to bring one to laughter.
Practice meditation. Become a seeker. Walk the path of the seeker. You will get the best of everything the world has to offer.
Boredom is a blessing when it leads you to wisdom. And boredom is a curse when it leads you to frustration and depression.
When every action of yours is preceded by witnessing, then every move you make in this world becomes perfect and significant.
When you become content in life, you gain the power to bless others. This is the law of nature.
Love combined with wisdom is bliss, and that is devotion. Devotion is a strong bond, a sense of belongingness. Everybody is born with it. It’s just like becoming a child again
This deep sense of feeling that, 'I am' blessed can help you overcome any obstacle in life. It gives you courage and confidence and it will open you up for grace to pour in.
Satguru knows that there is no death to the disciple. Atma never dies. Even after death he continues to get direction on the path
When there is a fountain of colours, they add charm to your life. In ignorance, emotions are a bother; in knowledge, the same emotions add colours.. enjoy the day with Wisdom!
Do not be feverish about success, if your aim is clear and you have patience to move towards it, nature will support you.
Happiness depends only on your mind. When the mind is free of past impressions and future cravings, happiness is there.
In the East they say suffering is avoidable and not necessary. Life is bliss! You know why? This is because wisdom, yoga and meditation are ways to avoid suffering which has not yet come.
Space and silence are synonymous. Joy, fulfillment brings the silence. Desire brings noise. Silence is the cure, because in silence you come back to the source, and that creates joy
Remember those wonderful moments you have had. Sit and be with it. In that very memory your entire Being gets back to that state
Our breath plays a very important role in our life. The breath is the connecting link between the inner world of the mind and the outer world of the body and environment.
Life works on strange laws of nature (Karma). One never knows when a friend turns enemy & vice-versa. Rely on your Self; self-reliance
Suffering is a product of limited knowledge.
Let my hands be of service to people. Let me earn wisdom through my hands. Let my hands do good work
Charity should be self-sustainable. That is, it should create more wealth rather than perpetuating the cycle of poverty and dependence. In this sense, the best form of charity would be providing quality education for children and more importantly, building a good character in them.
You should not delay the good things in life. Just do them. Whenever you get a chance to do spiritual practice or seva, don’t miss it. Those are the real precious moments of your life.
Success means crossing a limit. To cross a limit you need to assume that you have a limit. Assuming a limit is underestimating yourself. If you have no boundaries then where is your success?
Peace is the first step to equip yourself to face problems. Once you find the peace and the inner strength, then you can face any problem. It won’t even appear as a problem then.
That which you cannot express is Love.
That which you cannot reject/renounce is Beauty.
That which you cannot avoid is the Truth.
Your desire for consistency itself will set you on the right path. As long as you keep going up, never mind if you come down once or twice.
A Guru is there to show you what you are. You are not different from Me. Whatever I am, that is what you are.
When you are infinitely indebted for your body, for Knowledge, for things you have received, and for your own life, then you bask in the abundance of the Creator
In your very nature, in the depth of your mind, there is omnipresence, omnipotence, omniscience. All knowledge is already in the depth of your consciousness, of your mind.
In Samadhi, that very deep state of meditation, you are given energy and long-lasting bliss. It carries you higher and higher until your very presence radiates love
Beauty is an inner phenomenon. Beauty is not in objects, not in people, not even in the eyes of the beholder. It lies in the heart of every person
Do not make an effort to impress others. When you come from the self, your expression is perfect and your impression lasts for ages.
If you are bombarded by so many thoughts in solitude, you are in ignorance. If you are calm even amidst a crowd then you are in knowledge.
How do we get out of our small mind? When we enquire into the core of our existence. What is life? Who am I? This spirit of self-inquiry can awaken something inside you.
When people lose faith in the natural goodness of the human character, the lack of trust in spiritual goodness, that is one reason why corruption has become so widespread today.
The very purpose for being in this body, for every one of us, is to live and rejoice in that virgin area, that untouched, pure and ever green,blissful area of our Self
To be free from ignorance you need knowledge. The mind should turn inward. Silence takes the mind inward and helps you to recognize who you are.
A game is where you win and lose, and both are part of it. When there is more chance of losing, it is more charming. The game has value when it is tough. So some little problems that come in life are part of the whole game.
You walk until you come to the ocean. You don't walk or run in the ocean - you float and swim. Like this once you come to the Master, seeking stops, blossoming begins.
Human rights means protecting another's freedom, seeing that the other person is also like oneself. Human rights is giving others security, letting them live.
Silence is bringing you back home, and it gives you that much needed energy to realize 'Who You Are', to realize that there is bliss, there is beauty, there is joy, and that is 'You'
A successful man has the following qualities: A smile that doesn't die; patience; fearless mind; love; self- confidence; love for everybody.
You should be dynamic, and still be soft in the heart.
You should stand against injustice and simultaneously, be compassionate within you, like a saint.
Be a saint and a soldier, together
Wise is the one who learns from another´s mistakes. Less wise is the one who learns only from his own mistakes. The fool keeps making the same mistakes again and again and never learns from them.
The role of women in the development of society is of utmost importance. In fact, it is the only thing that determines whether a society is strong and harmonious, or otherwise. Women are the backbone of society.
Never underestimate your life. It is most precious. You never know what talents are hidden within you and what you have to offer to the world!
In the presence of your Satguru, knowledge flourishes; sorrow diminishes; without any reason joy wells up; lack diminishes, abundance dawns and all talents manifest
Real beauty is when you're centered, when our mind is with the truth. That is how every baby is beautiful because they are centered.
Your non attachment to the mundane is your charm. Your attachment to the divine is your beauty.
Truth is hidden by the golden veil of the mundane. Pierce through this thin glittering sheath and know that you are the Sun
Make the whole life a game. There is no purpose there is no aim, nothing. Just take it lightly, easily. Play the game. that is worship, which is celebration.
Contentment and happiness! Do everything happily. Walk,
talk, sit happily; even if you complain against somebody,
do it happily.
The criteria for success: you are free, you live in the present moment, you are useful to the people around you, and you feel love for all humanity.
The knowledge that unites love and wisdom, that uplifts the spirit is spirituality. The knowledge which gives you a broad vision and a big heart is spirituality.
Don't focus on what others want. See what it is that you want.
When you stop looking inside and look at others, that is when you miss the boat.
In meditation, healing can happen. When the mind is calm, alert and totally contented, then it is like a laser beam - it is very powerful and healing can happen.
Wherever there is sincerity & talent, people do recognize them. It may take some time but we should have some patience and hold on to our passion.
Want, or desire, arises when you are not happy. Have you seen this? When you are very happy then there is contentment. Contentment means no want.
Take some time off to go within, in silence. With that, your charm becomes eternal, your love becomes unconditional & great strength arises.
You are solidified silence, awareness. A thousand hours of speech cannot equal one glance: a hundred glances cannot equal a minute of silence
Have a goal in life. When water is everywhere, it is a flood, but if it is in between banks, it is a river. It is nice to have a goal, so your life force gets channelized!
Human evolution has two steps - from being somebody to being nobody; and from being nobody to being everybody. This knowledge can bring sharing and caring throughout the world.
Purpose of words is to create silence. Purpose of action is to bring deep rest. Purpose of deep rest is to bring you fulfillment. In fulfillment you find joy, bliss
You sell your happiness for peanuts! You sell your smile for pennies! I tell you, it's not worth it. The entire world is not worth your smile. Even if you are made the king or the emperor of the world, it's not worth giving away your smile.
If you make someone feel guilty about their mistake, then you have not forgiven them. That guilt is itself punishment.
In true love there is no heart break. A broken heat means broken demands, broken expectations and broken hopes.
Look at your life in contrast with the magnitude of creation, space and time. Your life becomes insignificant. Ego disappears.
If something is not working today, then something better is in store. This surety should be in our mind.
Don’t keep your head turned backwards. Look ahead and move on. You are trying to walk forward with your head turned backward. This is why you feel miserable. Just let go!
If you are passionate, be passionate about the highest, the most wonderful, and the most beautiful. Be passionate about this entire creation for everything is so beautiful.
The world is full of paradoxes and life is full of opposites. The art is to embrace the opposites, accommodate the paradoxes and live with a smile.
We are always looking for solutions from someone else. We forget that if we turn our mind inward, we can get some ideas, some solutions.
All these seven colors are part of one rainbow, yet they are all different. They have their own quality, their own identity, their own flavor to it. So it is a rainbow. The Divine loves diversity, that is why he made us all different.
Feeling and experiencing infinity within this finite body, living timelessness within the time span of life - this is what you are here for
Repose in that peaceful, cool, calm, serene depth of your Being. You know, this is something immensely valuable and precious
With charity, money is purified. By service, our actions are purified. With music, our emotions are purified and with knowledge our intellect is purified.
Find the love you seek, by first finding the love within yourself. Learn to rest in that place within you that is your true home.
Your worries, your feelings, your thoughts arise in your own mind. You are totally responsible for all your feelings - how you feel, what you think, what you do... You are responsible.
When you move with this thought that 'I want', then the mind wanders. When you move with this thought that 'I have received', then you are content.
Spiritual blossoming simply means blossoming in life in all dimensions - being happy, at ease with yourself and with everybody around you.
Misery is not given by anyone or anything in life. It is your own mind which makes you miserable or happy and uplifted.
I tell you, deep inside you is a fountain of bliss, a fountain of joy. Deep inside your center core is truth, light, love, there is no guilt there, there is no fear there. Psychologists have never looked deep enough.
Make the Universal personal and you become richer, wiser and stronger. Make the personal Universal and you will find freedom, compassion and love
We need to do a cleansing process within ourselves. In sleep we get rid of fatigue, but the deeper stresses remain in our body. Sudarshan Kriya cleanses the system from the inside. The breath has a great secret to offer.
The signs of good health are an intellect which is free from inhibition and arrogance, a heart which is full of compassion is healthy, a confusion-free mind, a trauma-free memory and a sorrow-free soul.
Either a princess or a pauper can feel generous. Generosity is the quality of the spirit. When you feel generous your life becomes, abundant full of compassion and love.
Faith makes you stable and steady. It brings out the totality in you. Consolidation of your energy is faith. Dissemination of energy is doubt.
Foolishness is giving up without any effort or not giving up after putting in all your effort. Secret of freedom is putting all your effort and giving up!
When someone is drowning in the ocean of attachments, Surrender is the life jacket they can put on and wait for the rescue team
Devi energy (shakti) is there within all of us. Devi is not somewhere else, not in some other world. It is within us - Devi Shakti
Nature will never confront you with a problem you can't solve. You already have the answer, that is why the question appears before you.
For external beauty, you put on things; for real beauty, you have to drop all things. For external beauty you have to have make-up; for real beauty you only have to realize that you are already made up.
The Path of Love is not a tedious Path. It's a Path of joy. It's a Path of singing and dancing. It's not a desert. It is a valley of flowers
What puts you on the road is your desire to enjoy. What brings you home is being in love
Ego is just a feeling of having a wall between you and others. There is no wall. You belong to me and I belong to you. You are accepted the way you are.
When attention is given to the spiritual aspect of one's life, it brings a sense of belongingness, and responsibility, compassion and caring for the whole of humanity.
If there are ripples on the surface of a lake, we cannot see the depth. Similarly unless the mind is restful, we cannot experience the harmony and union within us.
If we sit deep in meditation, the glow within the body will brighten, and will expand and spread outside. That is Devi Puja
To love is to see the divine in the person beside us, and to meditate is to see the divine within us.
Technology has made the world into a Village. Spirituality has made it into a Global Family.
Sadhana is the real currency that you can use anywhere
Worrying doesn't make any difference, but working does and spirituality gives one the strength to work
Material wealth does not equate to success. Equanimity and peace of mind does
Religion keeps society divided. Spirituality unites it.
A Presence is in control of the whole Universe. You just do your part and relax!
In joy, in peace, in that soothing inner state, you will find happiness.
Your world is very small. Your world is bundle of your experiences. Have you observed this?
A mind in the present moment is meditation.
I never intended to start a new organisation but to share what I knew.
Meditation is not 'going somewhere;' it's diving deep here, this moment.
Knowledge of life brings confidence, and Knowledge of death makes you fearless and centred.
Yazidis are facing the worst genocide of our times. They have been reduced from 23 million to 1 million.
Make your home God's home and there will be light, love and abundance
Health is not the mere absence of disease, it is the dynamic expression of life.
When you see happiness in the happiness of others, that's when you will be truly happy.
Everywhere you see in creation there is Divine love. Love is the highest force, the greatest force, and the simplest
We do yoga to make life more beautiful.. to stop misery from entering our world.
Feel indebted. Feel grateful. Then abundance grows.
I have received and I want to give. This is the path to happiness and contentment.
It is the inner peace that can bring peace in our family, in society and ultimately, in the world.
Problems are here in this world so that we can realize our purpose in this world.
Yoga is a study of life, study of your body, breath, mind, intellect, memory, and ego. Study of your inner faculties!
One whose mind is turned inwards is ever in bliss
Meditation means seeing God within you, and love is seeing God in the person next to you.
Your life is infinite. You are as old as these mountains and you will remain for ever.
Love is the essence of the universe,. Love in action is service.
Effort is the key in the relative; effortlessness is the key to the Absolute.
To whatever degree we are alert, aware, to that degree we are living
When you consider Life as sacred,Nature waits on you
Meditation is the delicate art of doing nothing.
Don't be over complacent or too feverish, take a middle path.
Our words are there to bless people and bring peace to the world
Peace is our very nature, and yoga leads you to inner peace.
When you are totally defenseless, that's when you'll be strong.
Just as when spring comes, Nature celebrates, When Navaratri comes, the Spirit celebrates.
In life you can either have a guru or misery, you cannot have both.
You are all that you are longing for.
Recognize and honour your uniqueness.
Knowledge is the vaccination that keeps you away from the flu of misery
Everything is cleansed and purified by the rains, and the Earth blossoms in beauty.
We communicate much more through our presence than the words.
The more you give, the more you will get. Then life will become a sheer dance of love.
A goal or cause in life, will help you come out of your hunger for insatiable desires.
The rush to enjoy robs the joy from life and only denies the happiness and freedom of here and now.
Keep wondering whether your waking reality is a dream and you will wake up to the real.
The master is presence. The world is relativity and relativity has limitations. Presence is unlimited.
Drop all your botheration to me and be free of worry
The source of your mind is love and whatever you do to go to that source, is spiritual practice.
For those who do not have faith in God, fear is a way to protect them. But if faith is strong, there is no anxiety about something in danger.
When you are fully present, you are truly living; the rest of the time, you are merely existing
The positive aspect of competition in a business scenario is it helps you to be more alert and innovative.
A sign of intelligence is to see the One in many and find the many in One.
What path you choose is not important. How intensely you pursue that path is much more important
The wave uniting with its depth is yoga.
A poor man celebrates the New Year once a year. A rich man celebrates each day. But the richest man celebrates every moment.
You are always a winner. Sometimes you win, sometimes you make others win.
The whole creation is the dance of one consciousness
Your richness is on your ability to share and not in how much you have.
Longing gives you the power to bless. Bless the entire creation. For, the longing in you is God.
Faith is the subject of the head. Devotion is the subject of the heart and meditation connects both.
Through knowledge and devotion, transcend all karma and be free.
The visible sign of utter love is an undying smile.
Joy is never tomorrow it's always now!
Navratri represents how the negativity can be conquered by the inherent positive qualities in us.
Shiva is chidambaram, like the inner sky. Shiva is the inner sky of consciousness
Curiosity is the mother of science, wonder is the mother of spirituality.
Reaction and non-action both create karma, but conscious action transcends karma.
A fully blossomed human potential is enlightenment. It is becoming a child again, and coming back to your original nature.
Curiosity is the beginning of the mind, Wonder is the end of the mind.
When the energy is high and when there is love, healing happens automatically!
Worry is the enemy of love. You cannot be in love and be worried at the same time.
How far to heaven? Just open your eyes and look. You are in heaven.
If you can win over your mind, you can win over the whole world.
Have respect for yourself and no one can take away your self respect.
One who can learn to flow with the current as well as manage the current is the successful one.
Be light. Smile. Drop. Learn the tendency to drop and smile and move through.
See the possibility that people and things can change at any time and don't hold on to judgements.
There is nothing for you to take away from this world. You have come to give.
Difference between motivation and inspiration - Motivation is external and short lived. Inspiration is internal and lifelong
The power of spiritual knowledge gives you centeredness, which brings out passion in work & dispassion in meditation.
Meditate. A few minutes of deep meditation will connect you with the ocean of intuition deep within you.
Faith is what? Faith is to love something you have no idea about.
The best form of worship is to be happy, to be grateful.
Get out of your comfort zone and bring comfort to others.
You should have desires, but the desires should not have you.
Healthy is being physically strong, mentally calm and steady and emotionally soft
The bigger our vision for the world, the less personal worries we have.
Acceptance does not mean inaction; acceptance is actually acknowledging the present situation.
Events bring you small joy, while existence brings you bliss.
The best form of service is to uplift someone's state of mind.
Everything in this creation is a sign of celebration.
Make other comfortable and you will see that nature will take care of your comfort.
Existence is a Fact, Living is an Art
If our mind is pure, our desires get manifested quickly.
To grow in unconditional love and in beauty is spirituality.
Enthusiasm is the nature of life. Become one whose enthusiasm never dies.
Keeping the mind happy makes work effortless. This is the skill for productivity!
When you wish good for others, good things come back to you.
Talk less, but with more awareness. Every word you use, use purposefully.
You will find the Divine in the last place, because once you find it, you will not go on searching.
Patience in the mind and dynamism in action is the right formula.
Retain your shyness and drop your shame.
Only the heart can speak or hear that which is authentic
Hold on to your dreams, one day, it will come true.
In the present moment, we are all innocent. Wake up!
Be ready to face the worst. This will leave you with stability in your mind.
Spirituality is allowing compassion and love to flourish. When belongness begins, corruption ends.
Love is seeing God in the person next to us, and meditation is seeing God within us.
For success in life you need yukti (skill) and shakti (strength), Bhakti (Devotion ) and Mukti (Freedom).
Faith is realizing that you always get what you need.
Spiritual knowledge improves intuitive ability, innovative ability and communication.
Make your smile cheaper and anger expensive!
Celebration happens when the mind unites with the spirit.
Faith is giving the divine a chance to act.
Life is nothing to be very serious about. Life is a ball in your hands to play with. Don’t hold on to the ball.
Nature loves you ten times more than a mother loves her newborn.
When a bud breaks it becomes a flower, when a heart breaks it becomes divine.
Meditation is the journey from sound to silence, from movement to stillness, from a limited identity to unlimited space.
When everything is in abundance, dispassion happens. And when dispassion is there, everything comes in abundance.
Love is not an emotion. It is your very existence.
Love is giving everything and taking nothing
There is freedom when you realize that you are just a witness to all that is happening.
Even stupid people have a role to play in your life. They make you wiser and more patient.
If you are a taker of happiness you get misery, if you are a giver of happiness you get joy and love.
If you ever feel lonely and feel that no one loves you and cares for you - remember me.
Don't Fall in love, Rise in Love!
Today is a gift from God - that is why it is called the present.
The quality of our lives depends on the quality of our minds.
Your life is perfect, it is a perfect plan; it is a spontaneous miracle. It is both every moment.
Even if you win in ego it is a loss. Even if you lose in love it is a victory.
Let your smile change the world! Never let the world change your smile!