Stan Musial Quotes
Stan Musial Quotes with Images
Stan Musial Quotes with Images
I'm a musician. I play harmonica for relaxation. A good way to relax and entertain people. An excellent way to have fun.
Always wanted to be a Major League player. Loved baseball. Followed it. Loved to play. Plus, I could always hit.
I started to crouch because that way I could guard the plate better, and I always wanted to hit .300 in the big leagues.
What I try to do is never to hurt anybody else and figure if I don't, then I'm not likely to get hurt myself.
What made me sign with the Cardinals? Because they used salesmanship, the personal touch.
The first principle of contract negotiations is don't remind them of what you did in the past - tell them what you're going to do in the future.
There was never a day when I was as good as Joe DiMaggio at his best. Joe was the best, the very best I ever saw.
There is no one correct way to bat, and so of course there is no one correct stance for it.
Get eight hours of sleep regularly. Keep your weight down, run a mile a day.
Hitting is like swimming. Once you learn the stroke, you never forget it.
The key to hitting for high average is to relax, concentrate, and don't hit the fly ball to center field.
Unless you give it all you've got, there isn't any sense in playing.
I love to play this game of baseball. I love putting on the uniform.
When a pitcher's throwing a spitball, don't worry and don't complain, just hit the dry side like I do.
I have a darn good job, but please don't ask me what I do.