Steffi Graf Quotes

Best 20+ Steffi Graf Messages, Quotes, and Images

Steffi Graf Thoughts

Steffi Graf Thoughts

You can't measure success if you have never failed.

Author: Steffi Graf

Steffi Graf Quotes Images

Steffi Graf Quotes Images

I never look back, I look forward.

Author: Steffi Graf

Steffi Graf Messages

Steffi Graf Messages

When you lose a couple of times, it makes you realize how difficult it is to win.

Author: Steffi Graf

Short Steffi Graf Quotes

Short Steffi Graf Quotes

As long as I can focus on enjoying what I'm doing, having fun, I know I'll play well.

Author: Steffi Graf

Simple Steffi Graf Messages

Simple Steffi Graf Messages

Age, what is it? It's not a figure that has ever meant anything to me.

Author: Steffi Graf

Steffi Graf Thoughts

Steffi Graf Thoughts

I don't ever look back. I look forward.

Author: Steffi Graf

Steffi Graf Messages Images

Steffi Graf Messages Images

It doesn't hurt to lose my crown, it hurts to lose.

Author: Steffi Graf

Short Steffi Graf Messages

Short Steffi Graf Messages

There is no relief at it being over. There is the joy of winning it.

Author: Steffi Graf

Unique Steffi Graf Thoughts

Unique Steffi Graf Thoughts

My big dream was to work as a photographer for 'National Geographic.'

Author: Steffi Graf

Simple Steffi Graf Quotes

Simple Steffi Graf Quotes

I don't like the word 'businesswoman.' Perhaps 'committed mother' would be the best description.

Author: Steffi Graf

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