Stephen Covey Quotes

Stephen Covey Quotes with Images

Stephen Covey Quotes

Trust is the highest form of human motivation. It brings out the very best in people. But it takes time and patience.

If we keep doing what we're doing, we're going to keep getting what we're getting.

Life is not accumulation, it is about contribution.

Always surround yourself with people who are even more talented and competent than you.

Leadership is a choice, not a position

We see the world, not as it is, but as we are or, as we are conditioned to see it.

Seek to understand before you seek to be understood.

Link yourself to your potential, not to your past.

What you do has a far greater impact than what you say.

Begin with the end in mind.

Little kindness and courtesies are so important. In relationships, the little things are the big things.

Unless you’re continually improving your skills, you’re quickly becoming irrelevant.

While we cannot always choose what happens to us, we can choose our responses.

The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing.

It's better to be trusted than to be liked.

Live your life by a compass, not a clock.

Most of us spend too much time on what is urgent and not enough time on what is important.

Beginners are many; finishers are few.

We judge ourselves by our intentions. And others by their actions.

Live out of your imagination, not your history.

There are three constants in life... change, choice and principles.

You can't change the fruit without changing the root.

You can learn great things from your mistakes when you aren’t busy denying them.

The key is not to prioritize what's on your schedule but to schedule your priorities.

I am not a product of my circumstances. I am a product of my decisions.

Most people do not listen with the intent to understand; they listen with the intent to reply.

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Trust is the highest form of human motivation. It brings out the very best in people. But it takes time and patience.
If we keep doing what we're doing, we're going to keep getting what we're getting.
Life is not accumulation, it is about contribution.
Always surround yourself with people who are even more talented and competent than you.
Leadership is a choice, not a position
We see the world, not as it is, but as we are or, as we are conditioned to see it.
Seek to understand before you seek to be understood.
Link yourself to your potential, not to your past.
What you do has a far greater impact than what you say.
Begin with the end in mind.
Little kindness and courtesies are so important. In relationships, the little things are the big things.
Unless you’re continually improving your skills, you’re quickly becoming irrelevant.
While we cannot always choose what happens to us, we can choose our responses.
The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing.
It's better to be trusted than to be liked.
Live your life by a compass, not a clock.
Most of us spend too much time on what is urgent and not enough time on what is important.
Beginners are many; finishers are few.
We judge ourselves by our intentions. And others by their actions.
Live out of your imagination, not your history.
There are three constants in life... change, choice and principles.
You can't change the fruit without changing the root.
You can learn great things from your mistakes when you aren’t busy denying them.
The key is not to prioritize what's on your schedule but to schedule your priorities.
I am not a product of my circumstances. I am a product of my decisions.
Most people do not listen with the intent to understand; they listen with the intent to reply.