Theodore Roosevelt Quotes
Theodore Roosevelt Quotes with Images
Theodore Roosevelt Quotes with Images
The joy in life is his who has the heart to demand it.
Keep your eyes on the stars, and your feet on the ground.
Black care rarely sits behind the rider whose pace is fast enough.
The most ultimately righteous of all wars is a war with savages.
When you play, play hard; when you work, don't play at all.
The wildlife and its habitat cannot speak, so we must and we will.
Malefactors of great wealth have arrogantly ignored the public welfare.
The leader works in the open and the boss in covert. The leader leads, and the boss drives.
No man should receive a dollar unless that dollar has been fairly earned.
Let us speak courteously, deal fairly, and keep ourselves armed and ready.
Big jobs usually go to the men who prove their ability to outgrow small ones.
Don't hit at all if it is honourably possible to avoid hitting, but never hit soft.
Nothing worth having comes easy.
All the resources we need are in the mind.
The one thing I want to leave my children is an honourable name.
Let us rather run the risk of wearing out than rusting out.
In the long run, the most unpleasant truth is a safer companion than a pleasant falsehood.
Courtesy is as much a mark of a gentleman as courage.
It is always better to be an original than an imitation.
Every reform movement has a lunatic fringe.
Everyone loves justice in the affairs of another.
We have room in this country for but one flag, the Stars and Stripes!
Nothing worth having was ever achieved without effort.
Believe you can do it and you are halfway there
No educated man can afford to be ignorant of the Bible.
Most of us tiptoe through life in order to make it safely to death.
It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to have tried to succeed.
Nobody cares how much you know until they know how much you care.
Do Something Now. If not you, who? If not here, where? If not now, when?
Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.
There should be at least ten times the number of rifles in the country as there are now.
Knowing what's right doesn't mean much unless you do what's right.
You can't choose your potential, but you can choose to fulfil it.
Patriotism means to stand by the country. It does not mean to stand by the president.
There is but one answer to terrorism and it is best delivered with a Winchester rifle.