Virgil Quotes

Virgil Quotes with Images

Virgil Quotes

None but himself can be his parallel.

Enter on the way of training while the spirits in youth are still pliable.

Perhaps even these things, one day, will be pleasing to remember.

The greatest health is wealth.

People are able because they think they're able

The Britons are quite separated from all the world.

We are not all able to do all things.

Each man is led by his own liking.

Perhaps the day may come when we shall remember these sufferings with joy.

Trust not too much to appearances

Love conquers all; therefore, let us submit to love.

Impotent fury rages powerless and to no purpose.

Each person, makes their own terrible passion their God.

I feel again a spark of that ancient flame.

Endure and save yourselves for happier times.

Even virtue is fairer when it appears in a beautiful person.

Age steals away all things, even the mind.

Yield not to evils, but attack all the more boldly.

He like a rock in the sea unshaken stands his ground.

The accursed hunger for gold.

The hour is ripe, and yonder lies the way.

Whatever may happen, every kind of fortune is to be overcome by bearing it.

Myself acquainted with misfortune, I learn to help the unfortunate.

From a single crime know the nation.

Fear is the proof of a degenerate mind.

Trust one who has tried.

Facilis decensus averni. The descent into hell is easy.

Fear betrays unworthy souls.

Persistent work triumphs.

Happy the man who has been able to learn the causes of things.

Time meanwhile is flying, flying beyond recall.

The only safety for the conquered is to expect no safety.

Every calamity is to be overcome by endurance.

The medicine increases the disease.

Audaces fortuna iuvat (latin)- Fortune favors the bold.

All our sweetest hours fly fastest.

Every man makes a god of his own desire

Endure, and keep yourselves for days of happiness.

Fate will find a way.

Each of us bears his own Hell.

No day shall erase you from the memory of time

Love conquers all things.

Let us go singing as far as we go: the road will be less tedious.

They can do all because they think they can.

Endure the present, and watch for better things.

Maybe one day we shall be glad to remember even these hardships.

Fortune sides with he who dares

Come what may, all bad fortune is to be conquered by endurance.

Evil is nourished and grows by concealment.

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None but himself can be his parallel.
Enter on the way of training while the spirits in youth are still pliable.
Perhaps even these things, one day, will be pleasing to remember.
The greatest health is wealth.
People are able because they think they're able
The Britons are quite separated from all the world.
We are not all able to do all things.
Each man is led by his own liking.
Perhaps the day may come when we shall remember these sufferings with joy.
Trust not too much to appearances
Love conquers all; therefore, let us submit to love.
Impotent fury rages powerless and to no purpose.
Each person, makes their own terrible passion their God.
I feel again a spark of that ancient flame.
Endure and save yourselves for happier times.
Even virtue is fairer when it appears in a beautiful person.
Age steals away all things, even the mind.
Yield not to evils, but attack all the more boldly.
He like a rock in the sea unshaken stands his ground.
The accursed hunger for gold.
The hour is ripe, and yonder lies the way.
Whatever may happen, every kind of fortune is to be overcome by bearing it.
Myself acquainted with misfortune, I learn to help the unfortunate.
From a single crime know the nation.
Fear is the proof of a degenerate mind.
Trust one who has tried.
Facilis decensus averni. The descent into hell is easy.
Fear betrays unworthy souls.
Persistent work triumphs.
Happy the man who has been able to learn the causes of things.
Time meanwhile is flying, flying beyond recall.
The only safety for the conquered is to expect no safety.
Every calamity is to be overcome by endurance.
The medicine increases the disease.
Audaces fortuna iuvat (latin)- Fortune favors the bold.
All our sweetest hours fly fastest.
Every man makes a god of his own desire
Endure, and keep yourselves for days of happiness.
Fate will find a way.
Each of us bears his own Hell.
No day shall erase you from the memory of time
Love conquers all things.
Let us go singing as far as we go: the road will be less tedious.
They can do all because they think they can.
Endure the present, and watch for better things.
Maybe one day we shall be glad to remember even these hardships.
Fortune sides with he who dares
Come what may, all bad fortune is to be conquered by endurance.
Evil is nourished and grows by concealment.