Author: Guru Nanak Dev
See all Guru Nanak Dev Quotes
Egypt Revolution Day Wishes
World Hepatitis Day Wishes
By twice born men a widow must not be appointed to ,cohabit with any other ,than her husband , for they who appoint ,her to another ,man , will violate the eternal law.
Neither ancients nor moderns who were good men have done such ,a deed that, after promising ,a daughter to one man, they have her to another, Nor, indeed, have we heard, even in former creations, of such ,a thing as the covert sale of a daughter for a fixed price, called a nuptial fee.
My mind and body, my mind and body I cut my body into pieces, and I dedicate these to Him.
Giving no pain to any creature, let him slowly accumulate spiritual merit, for the sake ,of acquiring a companion to the next world, just as the white ant ,gradually raises its hill.
He who, having lost his parents or being abandoned, by them without ,just cause, gives himself to a ,man , is called a son self given.
Far from wife and son am 1, far from land and wealth and other notions of that kind. I am the Witness, the Eternal, the Inner Self.
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