Attitude Status and Messages - Page 2

Embrace your inner style with our Attitude Status collection. Express your unique persona with confident messages and quotes.

attitude Text

attitude Text

Dont judge my choices without understanding my reasons.

attitude status

attitude SMS

attitude SMS

Everyone deserves second chances but not for the same mistakes.

attitude status

attitude Shayari

attitude Shayari

Take me as I am, or watch me as I go. YOUR CHOICE.

attitude status

attitude Images

attitude Images

Dont make time for them who dont make time for you

attitude status

attitude Image Status

attitude Image Status

Don’t give me your attitude unless you want mine.

attitude status

Sweet attitude status

Sweet attitude status

They may try to COPY you, but they can't be YOU.

attitude status

Touching attitude status

Touching attitude status

I don't have enough middle fingers to show you how I feel.

attitude status

Deep attitude status

Deep attitude status

❒Taken ❒Single ✔ Don't care anymore.

attitude status

meaningful attitude status

meaningful attitude status

Shhh! I am hiding from stupid people.

attitude status

attitude Quotes

attitude Quotes

If you want me let me know. If you don't, please gently let me go.

attitude status

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I had been dreaming about you even before I met you, I am glad I found my dream. I love you!

I had been dreaming about you even before I met you, I am glad I found my dream. I love you!

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The sun can rise, the sun can set, but my day will never start until I get. A text from my boyfriend, followed by a hug, and later a lot of kisses over a warm coffee mug. I love you.

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If there’s a next life, it’ll still be you and me, holding hands, loving. It’ll always be you and me, baby. Nothing will ever come between us.

If there’s a next life, it’ll still be you and me, holding hands, loving. It’ll always be you and me, baby. Nothing will ever come between us.

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I love sleeping very much, but I don’t mind losing some of it as long as I can talk to you longer.

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