Funny Birthday Wishes and Messages

Bring some cheer to their birthday with funny wishes that make them smile.

Short Funny Birthday Wishes

Short Funny Birthday Wishes

The ability to take better decisions and showing a heightened sense of responsibility are some of the typical traits of maturity – except in cases like yours.

Funny Birthday Wishes

Simple Funny Birthday Wishes

Simple Funny Birthday Wishes

I got you the most expensive and luxurious anti-aging beauty gift hamper. Use it well, you will need it.

Funny Birthday Wishes

Best Funny Birthday Wishes

Best Funny Birthday Wishes

I would give you a trip to the moon and a holiday to an exotic island as your birthday gift. I only wish you returned the money you owe me first.

Funny Birthday Wishes

latest Funny Birthday Wishes

latest Funny Birthday Wishes

Did you just turn a year older? I feel your pain, I really do. But don’t worry because we are all in this boat called Life together.

Funny Birthday Wishes

Unique Funny Birthday Wishes

Unique Funny Birthday Wishes

The wrinkles on your face say that you are old, your maturity levels say that you are a teenager while your birth certificate says something completely different. What should I trust?

Funny Birthday Wishes

Amazing Funny Birthday Wishes

Amazing Funny Birthday Wishes

The true meaning of our friendship is that we can celebrate your birthday even if you are broke and you can be happy even if friends don’t have enough money to buy you a gift.

Funny Birthday Wishes

Sweet Funny Birthday Wishes

Sweet Funny Birthday Wishes

On your birthday don’t forget to set goals that are sky high, and spend the rest of the year miserably trying to build a rocket to get there.

Funny Birthday Wishes

Touching Funny Birthday Wishes

Touching Funny Birthday Wishes

Getting someone as awesome as me to send a birthday message to you, has undoubtedly been your biggest achievement this year.

Funny Birthday Wishes

Deep Funny Birthday Wishes

Deep Funny Birthday Wishes

It is amazing to see what a big difference one year can make in a person’s life. Last year, you were stupid and this year you have suddenly turned stupider.

Funny Birthday Wishes

meaningful Funny Birthday Wishes

meaningful Funny Birthday Wishes

Don’t worry, I am right here by your side to help you mourn the death of your youth.

Funny Birthday Wishes

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Wisdom doesn’t necessarily come with age. Sometimes age just shows up all by itself.

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Birthday Wishes for Brother

Since I have you, I will always have a piece of a childhood well preserved. No matter how old you get, I am glad, I would be able to access my childhood through you. Happy birthday you precious thing!

Birthday Wishes for Brother

Birthday Wishes for Sister

Sure, you can pick your friends but not your family. But, Sis, I would have picked you as my sister and my friend. You’re the best sister and friend anyone can ever have. I love you.

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Birthday Wishes for Girlfriend

May your birthday be as truly, madly and deeply special as you're to me, sweetheart.

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Birthday Wishes for Friends

Another year, another challenge my friend. But, you need always to remember to keep smiling and have a positive outlook on life, and everything is going to be okay.

Birthday Wishes for Friends

Birthday Wishes for Boyfriend

Amazing boyfriends like you, these days are rare and few.

Birthday Wishes for Boyfriend