Craig Newmark Quotes

Craig Newmark Quotes with Images

Craig Newmark Quotes

I rely on Taegan Goddard's Political Wire for straight, fair political news, he gets right to the point. It's an eagerly anticipated part of my news reading.

Milestones aren't what I think about much.

The country is in some trouble, because the media, which is supposed to provide a check and balance on government, has decided to stop doing that as a collective entity.

Okay, I'm not in the news business, and I'm not going to tell anyone how to do their job. However, it'd be good to have news reporting that I could trust again, and there's evidence that fact-checking is an idea whose time has come.

I look at what the phone company does and do the opposite.

I feel that one of the best things a person can do for another is to create a job. So you do OK commercially, and then you try to make a difference of some sort.

We want to offer job training and mentoring and build the site with more robust, reliable and flexible technology.

I want you to know, at this very moment, I am simulating normal human behavior.

In business, there are times when you disagree, and sometimes it turns out that you're just plain wrong. Humor takes away tension and helps you realize you're wrong.

Crooks are early adopters.

I am committed to doing customer service for Craigslist for the rest of my life. The exit strategy is death.

Craigslist does serve as a platform where people help each other for the basics, and also, shows people that the Internet is good for mutual support. I do feel pretty good about that.

Finding a good cause is incredibly hard and time-consuming.

Getting out of the way is really important.

What works on the net works for people in general. The net has very little to do with technology, what matters is how people use the technology.

People everywhere have the same needs and values. They need a place to live and a job. Beyond that, they may need to sell stuff or get a mate.

Follow through with basic values, and remember to provide good customer service.

Choose your mistakes carefully.

Death is my exit strategy. I'll be doing significant customer service only as long as I live.

Sometimes a slow gradual approach does more good than a large gesture.

There's no genius behind it. It's persistence and listening to people.

The stuff that works best is driven by passion rather than dollars.

Treat people like you want to be treated; live and let live; and also give the other person a break now and then.

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I rely on Taegan Goddard's Political Wire for straight, fair political news, he gets right to the point. It's an eagerly anticipated part of my news reading.
Milestones aren't what I think about much.
The country is in some trouble, because the media, which is supposed to provide a check and balance on government, has decided to stop doing that as a collective entity.
Okay, I'm not in the news business, and I'm not going to tell anyone how to do their job. However, it'd be good to have news reporting that I could trust again, and there's evidence that fact-checking is an idea whose time has come.
I look at what the phone company does and do the opposite.
I feel that one of the best things a person can do for another is to create a job. So you do OK commercially, and then you try to make a difference of some sort.
We want to offer job training and mentoring and build the site with more robust, reliable and flexible technology.
I want you to know, at this very moment, I am simulating normal human behavior.
In business, there are times when you disagree, and sometimes it turns out that you're just plain wrong. Humor takes away tension and helps you realize you're wrong.
Crooks are early adopters.
I am committed to doing customer service for Craigslist for the rest of my life. The exit strategy is death.
Craigslist does serve as a platform where people help each other for the basics, and also, shows people that the Internet is good for mutual support. I do feel pretty good about that.
Finding a good cause is incredibly hard and time-consuming.
Getting out of the way is really important.
What works on the net works for people in general. The net has very little to do with technology, what matters is how people use the technology.
People everywhere have the same needs and values. They need a place to live and a job. Beyond that, they may need to sell stuff or get a mate.
Follow through with basic values, and remember to provide good customer service.
Choose your mistakes carefully.
Death is my exit strategy. I'll be doing significant customer service only as long as I live.
Sometimes a slow gradual approach does more good than a large gesture.
There's no genius behind it. It's persistence and listening to people.
The stuff that works best is driven by passion rather than dollars.
Treat people like you want to be treated; live and let live; and also give the other person a break now and then.