To be happy does not mean to indulge in foolishness!
Author: Jose Rizal
Who does not love his tongue is far worse than a brute or stinking fish.
The example could encourage others who only fear to start.
The tyranny of some is possible only through the cowardice of others.
I wish to show those who deny us patriotism that we know how to die for our country and convictions.
While a people preserves its language; it preserves the marks of liberty.
Travel is a caprice in childhood, a passion in youth, a necessity in manhood, and an elegy in old age.
Why independence? If the slaves of today will be the tyrants of tomorrow.
Cowardice rightly understood begins with selfishness and ends with shame.
The glory of saving a country is not for him who has contributed to its ruin.
Egypt Revolution Day Wishes
World Hepatitis Day Wishes
Hope walks through the fire. Faith leaps over it.
Author: Jim Carrey
If you start taking yourself more seriously than you do God then there's a problem.
Author: Justin Bieber
It didn't feel like it was anything too major, but if you had to look at one hit that would be it.
Author: Sidney Crosby
Encourage innocent amusement.
Author: Joseph Addison
Once you see the drivers in Indonesia you understand why religion plays such a part in their lives.
Author: Erma Bombeck
Law has no skin, reason has no nostrils.
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