Kate Moss Quotes

Kate Moss Quotes with Images

Kate Moss Quotes

When I'm in the country with all of the kids around and cooking, that's when I'm most relaxed. When I'm in the country I like to cook.

I have made some of the best friends that I've got in this business.

If I'm going to an event I make sure I plan ahead so that I don't have a fashion crisis.

Plan what you are going to wear ahead of time. If you're going to an important dinner, you should always plan what you're going to wear because you don't want to look silly.

I wouldn't want [my daughtr] to be a model. I don't think it's the best industry really for young girls. Unless you're really strong, it can really f**k you up.

Now I can walk into a room full of people I don't know and do my job. That's quite a massive thing to learn, I think.

I'm not traditionally a beauty, but apparently people think I'm alright.

A lot of horrible, unfair, untrue things have been said about me. I can only say that the best revenge is success.

I was definitely living fast. I was working, traveling a lot, playing. I didn't stop. It all became unbalanced.

I've been blamed for everything, from smoking to heroin to anorexia.

My daughter, Lila, is my style critic. She'll say, "No, Mummy, you can't wear that." She's very good. I do trust her instinct.

I like creating images.

Going to the gym wouldn't be on my list of favorite things to do.

It doesn't matter; even if you do tend to wear the same things all the time, it's how you wear them and your attitude that counts.

It's all about the blanket. Blanket, pillow, and red wine. You should always be asleep on a plane.

I have met almost everyone I've wanted to meet.

I'm not a show-off by nature.

I thought it was quite vain to say, I want to be a model.

I just haven't found anyone that I want to spend long periods of time with.

I try and be as normal as I can, but it's all pretty mental to be honest.

Now I'm being blamed not only for anorexia but for lung cancer.

I havent partied since...last Friday!

I never did a dirty armpit. You can look dirty, but you can't be dirty.

I hadn't even thought about what I wanted to do when I left school because I was only 14 when I started modelling.

Just remember that, ultimately, dressing is always about attitude, feeling comfortable and confidence

I don't want people to know what is true all the time and that's what keeps the mystery.

It's a sin to be tired.

You've got to stay ahead of the game to be able to stay in it.

What people say isn't going to stop me. I have to do things for myself.

It's neurotic fat women who hate me--they're stupid

I want to live my life in a way that when I get really old, I look back at my life and say: aaah I lived it, not survived it.

Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels.

It sounds really corny but I think that if you're beautiful inside it shows on the outside, for sure.

If I'm going dancing, then I wear the highest heels with the shortest dress.

It's kind of rebellious to be yourself.

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When I'm in the country with all of the kids around and cooking, that's when I'm most relaxed. When I'm in the country I like to cook.
I have made some of the best friends that I've got in this business.
If I'm going to an event I make sure I plan ahead so that I don't have a fashion crisis.
Plan what you are going to wear ahead of time. If you're going to an important dinner, you should always plan what you're going to wear because you don't want to look silly.
I wouldn't want [my daughtr] to be a model. I don't think it's the best industry really for young girls. Unless you're really strong, it can really f**k you up.
Now I can walk into a room full of people I don't know and do my job. That's quite a massive thing to learn, I think.
I'm not traditionally a beauty, but apparently people think I'm alright.
A lot of horrible, unfair, untrue things have been said about me. I can only say that the best revenge is success.
I was definitely living fast. I was working, traveling a lot, playing. I didn't stop. It all became unbalanced.
I've been blamed for everything, from smoking to heroin to anorexia.
My daughter, Lila, is my style critic. She'll say,
I like creating images.
Going to the gym wouldn't be on my list of favorite things to do.
It doesn't matter; even if you do tend to wear the same things all the time, it's how you wear them and your attitude that counts.
It's all about the blanket. Blanket, pillow, and red wine. You should always be asleep on a plane.
I have met almost everyone I've wanted to meet.
I'm not a show-off by nature.
I thought it was quite vain to say, I want to be a model.
I just haven't found anyone that I want to spend long periods of time with.
I try and be as normal as I can, but it's all pretty mental to be honest.
Now I'm being blamed not only for anorexia but for lung cancer.
I havent partied since...last Friday!
I never did a dirty armpit. You can look dirty, but you can't be dirty.
I hadn't even thought about what I wanted to do when I left school because I was only 14 when I started modelling.
Just remember that, ultimately, dressing is always about attitude, feeling comfortable and confidence
I don't want people to know what is true all the time and that's what keeps the mystery.
It's a sin to be tired.
You've got to stay ahead of the game to be able to stay in it.
What people say isn't going to stop me. I have to do things for myself.
It's neurotic fat women who hate me--they're stupid
I want to live my life in a way that when I get really old, I look back at my life and say: aaah I lived it, not survived it.
Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels.
It sounds really corny but I think that if you're beautiful inside it shows on the outside, for sure.
If I'm going dancing, then I wear the highest heels with the shortest dress.
It's kind of rebellious to be yourself.