Kevin Durant Messages

Best 20+ Kevin Durant Messages, Quotes, and Images

Kevin Durant Thoughts

Kevin Durant Thoughts

When people are used to you doing something, they want you to stay in that lane.

Author: Kevin Durant

Kevin Durant Quotes Images

Kevin Durant Quotes Images

I like what I like, I am who I am, I know what I want to do, you know what I'm saying?

Author: Kevin Durant

Kevin Durant Messages

Kevin Durant Messages

I'm just trying to grow. That's one thing I told myself is, 'Don't worry about who people say is the best player'.

Author: Kevin Durant

Short Kevin Durant Quotes

Short Kevin Durant Quotes

I'm a big competitor.

Author: Kevin Durant

Simple Kevin Durant Messages

Simple Kevin Durant Messages

I want people to know what they didn't know about me. I just wanted them to know the real side.

Author: Kevin Durant

Kevin Durant Thoughts

Kevin Durant Thoughts

The grass is not always greener on the other side. You learn to appreciate these people.

Author: Kevin Durant

Kevin Durant Messages Images

Kevin Durant Messages Images

I just loved being in the gym. It was tough at times. Sometimes I wanted to quit, but I'm glad I stuck with it.

Author: Kevin Durant

Short Kevin Durant Messages

Short Kevin Durant Messages

You can't speak openly about everything.

Author: Kevin Durant

Unique Kevin Durant Thoughts

Unique Kevin Durant Thoughts

With everything I do, I just try to be myself.

Author: Kevin Durant

Simple Kevin Durant Quotes

Simple Kevin Durant Quotes

I go to sleep at night, like, ’Am I gonna be alone forever?’

Author: Kevin Durant

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I think it's an absolute disaster that Australia, the government, allowed kangaroo culling.

I think it's an absolute disaster that Australia, the government, allowed kangaroo culling.

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Are you looking for a Negro who won't fight back?

Are you looking for a Negro who won't fight back?

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I think that teaching coaches are the norm now.

I think that teaching coaches are the norm now.

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I'm a lifelong stutterer.

I'm a lifelong stutterer.

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If a guy pays you five dollars, you give him seven dollars worth of work.

If a guy pays you five dollars, you give him seven dollars worth of work.

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I'm just more content with myself. Like, if I've got something to say, I want to get it off of my chest.

I'm just more content with myself. Like, if I've got something to say, I want to get it off of my chest.

Author: Kevin Durant