Quentin Tarantino Quotes

Best 30+ Quentin Tarantino Messages, Quotes, and Images

Quentin Tarantino Thoughts

Quentin Tarantino Thoughts

Don't write what you think people want to read. Find your voice and write about what's in your heart.

Author: Quentin Tarantino

Quentin Tarantino Quotes Images

Quentin Tarantino Quotes Images

When people ask me if I went to film school I tell them, 'no, I went to films.'

Author: Quentin Tarantino

Quentin Tarantino Messages

Quentin Tarantino Messages

In real life there are no bad guys. Everybody just has their own perspective.

Author: Quentin Tarantino

Short Quentin Tarantino Quotes

Short Quentin Tarantino Quotes

Just because you are a character doesn't mean you have character.

Author: Quentin Tarantino

Simple Quentin Tarantino Messages

Simple Quentin Tarantino Messages

The good ideas will survive.

Author: Quentin Tarantino

Quentin Tarantino Thoughts

Quentin Tarantino Thoughts

To be a novelist, all I need is a pen and a piece of paper.

Author: Quentin Tarantino

Quentin Tarantino Messages Images

Quentin Tarantino Messages Images

Violence in real life is terrible; violence in movies can be cool. It's just another colour to work with.

Author: Quentin Tarantino

Short Quentin Tarantino Messages

Short Quentin Tarantino Messages

When I make a movie, I want it to be everything to me; like I would die for it.

Author: Quentin Tarantino

Unique Quentin Tarantino Thoughts

Unique Quentin Tarantino Thoughts

The children despise their parents until the age of when they suddenly become just like them - thus preserving the system.

Author: Quentin Tarantino

Simple Quentin Tarantino Quotes

Simple Quentin Tarantino Quotes

To me, torture would be watching sports on television.

Author: Quentin Tarantino

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Beauty without intelligence is like a hook without bait.

Beauty without intelligence is like a hook without bait.

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Beware, so long as you live, of judging men by their outward appearance.

Beware, so long as you live, of judging men by their outward appearance.

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My biggest growth has been sitting with things that are uncomfortable and dealing with them.

My biggest growth has been sitting with things that are uncomfortable and dealing with them.

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I wouldn't do nudity in films. For me, personally... To act with my clothes on is a performance; to act with my clothes off is a documentary.

I wouldn't do nudity in films. For me, personally... To act with my clothes on is a performance; to act with my clothes off is a documentary.

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The enemy is always in the mind.

The enemy is always in the mind.

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But time has caught up with it and I think vindicated it. Shampoo, too: very dark, very ambitious movie.

But time has caught up with it and I think vindicated it. Shampoo, too: very dark, very ambitious movie.

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