William Goldman Quotes

William Goldman Quotes with Images

William Goldman Quotes

The enemy is always in the mind.

This is my favorite book in all the world, though I have never read it.

Just because you're beautiful and perfect, it's made you conceited.

As far as the filmmaking process is concerned, stars are essentially worthless - and absolutely essential.

Good night, Westley. Good work. Sleep well. I'll most likely kill you in the morning.

I love you. Okay? Want it louder? I LOVE YOU. Spell it out, should I? I ell-oh-vee-ee why-oh-you. Want it backward? You love I.

He's right on top of us. I wonder if he is using the same wind we are using.

He was the mighty Fezzik, lover of rhymes, and you did not give up, no matter what.

Life is pain, highness. Anyone who tells you differently is selling something.

Enough about my beauty," Buttercup said. "Everybody always talks about how beautiful I am. I've got a mind, Westley. Talk about that.

You are wonderful, Father.""I'm more than wonderful, how dare you insult me.

No more rhymes now I mean it!” “Anybody want a peanut?” “AAHH!

Death cannot stop true love. All it can do is delay it for a while.

Love is many things none of them logical.

Anything there is that I can do for you, I will do for you; anything there is that I cannot do, I will learn to do.

Cynics are simply thwarted romantics.

True love is the best thing in the world, except for cough drops.

Who says life is fair, where is that written?

"We’ll never survive!” “Nonsense. You’re only saying that because no one ever has."

You have to protect your writing time. You have to protect it to the death.

When I was your age, television was called books.

I’ll tell you the truth and its up to you to live with it.

I write out of revenge.

My name is Inigo Montoya, you killed my father, prepare to die!

If all that's going on in your scenes is what's going on in your scenes, think about it a long time.

But when a girl gives a boy a dead squid - that had to mean something.

Life isn't fair. It's just fairer than death, that's all.

It’s an accepted fact that all writers are crazy, even the normal ones are weird.

Do I love you? My God, if your love were a grain of sand, mine would be a universe of beaches.

I don't guess. I think. I ponder. I deduce. Then I decide. But I never guess.

One of the easiest things in the world is not to write... If it were easy, everyone would do it.

Life is difficult. Anyone who says different is trying to sell you something.

Her heart was a secret garden and the walls were very high.

A good writer is not someone who knows how to write- but how to rewrite

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The enemy is always in the mind.
This is my favorite book in all the world, though I have never read it.
Just because you're beautiful and perfect, it's made you conceited.
As far as the filmmaking process is concerned, stars are essentially worthless - and absolutely essential.
Good night, Westley. Good work. Sleep well. I'll most likely kill you in the morning.
I love you. Okay? Want it louder? I LOVE YOU. Spell it out, should I? I ell-oh-vee-ee why-oh-you. Want it backward? You love I.
He's right on top of us. I wonder if he is using the same wind we are using.
He was the mighty Fezzik, lover of rhymes, and you did not give up, no matter what.
Life is pain, highness. Anyone who tells you differently is selling something.
Enough about my beauty,
You are wonderful, Father.
No more rhymes now I mean it!” “Anybody want a peanut?” “AAHH!
Death cannot stop true love. All it can do is delay it for a while.
Love is many things none of them logical.
Anything there is that I can do for you, I will do for you; anything there is that I cannot do, I will learn to do.
Cynics are simply thwarted romantics.
True love is the best thing in the world, except for cough drops.
Who says life is fair, where is that written?
You have to protect your writing time. You have to protect it to the death.
When I was your age, television was called books.
I’ll tell you the truth and its up to you to live with it.
I write out of revenge.
My name is Inigo Montoya, you killed my father, prepare to die!
If all that's going on in your scenes is what's going on in your scenes, think about it a long time.
But when a girl gives a boy a dead squid - that had to mean something.
Life isn't fair. It's just fairer than death, that's all.
It’s an accepted fact that all writers are crazy, even the normal ones are weird.
Do I love you? My God, if your love were a grain of sand, mine would be a universe of beaches.
I don't guess. I think. I ponder. I deduce. Then I decide. But I never guess.
One of the easiest things in the world is not to write... If it were easy, everyone would do it.
Life is difficult.
Anyone who says different is
trying to sell you something.
Her heart was a secret garden and the walls were very high.
A good writer is not someone who knows how to write- but how to rewrite