Rachel McAdams Quotes

Rachel McAdams Quotes with Images

Rachel McAdams Quotes

Russell Crowe likes to tell jokes, which I can't. I can't remember a joke to save my life. I don't have a brain for it.

My mom's a nurse so I'd kind of grown up with, around medicine which is probably why I became an actress instead.

Russell Crowe is very committed at getting it right but at the same time, he likes to have fun.

There's no one who's ever been significantly in my life for whom I don't have a sort of tenderness because they helped to shape who I am.

I've always liked dressing up. And I love a high heel - the higher the better. I just feel funny in flats.

The physical part of comedy is as hard as a lot of action movies. It scares me, but in a way that I like.

Often with film, I find that you're just really getting to know a person. They're just starting to sink in, and then you wrap the film.

I'm a little funny when it comes to blood and guts and stuff like that.

I'm waiting for them to make 'Thundercats'. I would love to be Cheetara.

You know, like high heels are not, you know the older you get the harder it is to wear them.

You know, I have some issues. But I just love to play different characters all the time, and I try not to repeat myself too much.

Chemistry is so important in a great kiss. You can act your way through anything, but its hard with a kiss.

You know when you find a great dress, you've gotta hold on to it.

I can be quite surprised by what makes me cry, but it's usually spiritual things.

You have to be really open to your acting partners and believe in the story.

I would like to be invisible because I'd love to go into people's houses and see their interior decorating.

During a movie, chemistry is so important, and yet they just assume actors can fake their way through it. That doesn't always work.

Running through airports with pounds of luggage - that's a good workout.

I personally think you can have a really rich and full life with no abs. Abs are for wimps.

I drink maple syrup. Then I'm hyper so I just run around like crazy and work it all off.

I'm not an amazing cook, but I can follow a recipe.

I've been given lots of great advice, in my life. As an actor, just being as honest and as present as you can be.

I have a certain curiosity for life that drives me and propels me forward.

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Russell Crowe likes to tell jokes, which I can't. I can't remember a joke to save my life. I don't have a brain for it.
My mom's a nurse so I'd kind of grown up with, around medicine which is probably why I became an actress instead.
Russell Crowe is very committed at getting it right but at the same time, he likes to have fun.
There's no one who's ever been significantly in my life for whom I don't have a sort of tenderness because they helped to shape who I am.
I've always liked dressing up. And I love a high heel - the higher the better. I just feel funny in flats.
The physical part of comedy is as hard as a lot of action movies. It scares me, but in a way that I like.
Often with film, I find that you're just really getting to know a person. They're just starting to sink in, and then you wrap the film.
I'm a little funny when it comes to blood and guts and stuff like that.
I'm waiting for them to make 'Thundercats'. I would love to be Cheetara.
You know, like high heels are not, you know the older you get the harder it is to wear them.
You know, I have some issues. But I just love to play different characters all the time, and I try not to repeat myself too much.
Chemistry is so important in a great kiss. You can act your way through anything, but its hard with a kiss.
You know when you find a great dress, you've gotta hold on to it.
I can be quite surprised by what makes me cry, but it's usually spiritual things.
You have to be really open to your acting partners and believe in the story.
I would like to be invisible because I'd love to go into people's houses and see their interior decorating.
During a movie, chemistry is so important, and yet they just assume actors can fake their way through it. That doesn't always work.
Running through airports with pounds of luggage - that's a good workout.
I personally think you can have a really rich and full life with no abs. Abs are for wimps.
I drink maple syrup. Then I'm hyper so I just run around like crazy and work it all off.
I'm not an amazing cook, but I can follow a recipe.
I've been given lots of great advice, in my life. As an actor, just being as honest and as present as you can be.
I have a certain curiosity for life that drives me and propels me forward.