Thomas Jefferson Quotes

Best 50+ Thomas Jefferson Messages, Quotes, and Images

Thomas Jefferson Thoughts

Thomas Jefferson Thoughts

Never spend your money before you have earned it.

Author: Thomas Jefferson

Thomas Jefferson Quotes Images

Thomas Jefferson Quotes Images

Nothing can now be believed that is seen in a newspaper.

Author: Thomas Jefferson

Thomas Jefferson Messages

Thomas Jefferson Messages

A morsel of genuine history is a thing so rare as to be always valuable.

Author: Thomas Jefferson

Short Thomas Jefferson Quotes

Short Thomas Jefferson Quotes

The dead should not rule the living

Author: Thomas Jefferson

Simple Thomas Jefferson Messages

Simple Thomas Jefferson Messages

Most men die at age 25 but aren't buried until 70.

Author: Thomas Jefferson

Thomas Jefferson Thoughts

Thomas Jefferson Thoughts

The only way to win money out of a casino is to own one.

Author: Thomas Jefferson

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Those who labour on the earth are the chosen people of God.

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