Christopher Plummer Quotes

Best 10+ Christopher Plummer Messages, Quotes, and Images

Christopher Plummer Thoughts

Christopher Plummer Thoughts

You're only two years older than me, darling. Where have you been all my life?

Author: Christopher Plummer

Christopher Plummer Quotes Images

Christopher Plummer Quotes Images

Try and stay sober. Until the curtain call. And for God's sake, have fun. Don't suffer for your art. Just have fun.

Author: Christopher Plummer

Christopher Plummer Messages

Christopher Plummer Messages

Unless you can surround yourself with as many beautiful things as you can afford, I don't think life has very much meaning.

Author: Christopher Plummer

Short Christopher Plummer Quotes

Short Christopher Plummer Quotes

History remembers most what you did last.

Author: Christopher Plummer

Simple Christopher Plummer Messages

Simple Christopher Plummer Messages

I rather like the idea of defying death.

Author: Christopher Plummer

Christopher Plummer Thoughts

Christopher Plummer Thoughts

Working with Julie Andrews is like getting hit over the head with a valentine.

Author: Christopher Plummer

Christopher Plummer Messages Images

Christopher Plummer Messages Images

I just can't tell you what fun I've had being a member of the world's second oldest profession.

Author: Christopher Plummer

Short Christopher Plummer Messages

Short Christopher Plummer Messages

I don't want death to suddenly interrupt what I'm doing. I don't like the idea of death at all.

Author: Christopher Plummer

Unique Christopher Plummer Thoughts

Unique Christopher Plummer Thoughts

Most of my life I have played a lot of famous people but most of them were dead so you have a poetic license.

Author: Christopher Plummer

Simple Christopher Plummer Quotes

Simple Christopher Plummer Quotes

I've been very fortunateit's just been an amazing piece of luck. I haven't had to suffer for my art but I've suffered enough inside to hopefully be called an artist.

Author: Christopher Plummer

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