Frank Zappa Images

Best 30+ Frank Zappa Messages, Quotes, and Images

Frank Zappa Thoughts

Frank Zappa Thoughts

There are more love songs than anything else. If songs could make you do something we'd all love one another.

Author: Frank Zappa

Frank Zappa Quotes Images

Frank Zappa Quotes Images

Don't go to bed with any woman crazier than you are.

Author: Frank Zappa

Frank Zappa Messages

Frank Zappa Messages

Let's not be too rough on our ignorance, it's what makes America great.

Author: Frank Zappa

Short Frank Zappa Quotes

Short Frank Zappa Quotes

I am the slime oozing out from your TV set. You will obey me while I lead you, and eat the garbage while I feed you.

Author: Frank Zappa

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To realize the unimportance of time is the gate to wisdom.

To realize the unimportance of time is the gate to wisdom.

Author: Bertrand Russell

Foreign influence is truly the Grecian horse to a republic. We cannot be too careful to exclude its influence.

Foreign influence is truly the Grecian horse to a republic. We cannot be too careful to exclude its influence.

Author: Alexander Hamilton

To make discoveries, you have to be curious about why the universe is the way it is.

To make discoveries, you have to be curious about why the universe is the way it is.

Author: Isaac Asimov

Tomorrow will be too late, it's now or never.

Tomorrow will be too late, it's now or never.

Author: Elvis Presley

Kindness gives birth to kindness.

Kindness gives birth to kindness.

Author: Sophocles

Environmental laws were not passed to protect our air and water, they were passed to get votes.

Environmental laws were not passed to protect our air and water, they were passed to get votes.

Author: Frank Zappa