Virginia Woolf Quotes
Virginia Woolf Quotes with Images
Virginia Woolf Quotes with Images
Books are the mirrors of the soul.
I'm sick to death of this particular self. I want another.
Never pretend that the things you haven't got are not worth having.
The depths of the sea are only water after all.
It is in our idleness, in our dreams, that the submerged truth sometimes comes to the top.
I thought how unpleasant it is to be locked out; and I thought how it is worse, perhaps, to be locked in.
It is a thousand pities never to say what one feels.
beauty must be broken daily to remain beautiful.
I'm terrified of passive acquiescence. I live in intensity.
Blame it or praise it, there is no denying the wild horse in us.
As a woman, I have no country. As a woman, my country is the whole world.
I like to have space to spread my mind out in.
Incessant company is as bad as solitary confinement.
Thinking is my fighting.
all the lives we ever lived and all the lives to be are full of trees and changing leaves.
Intimacy is a difficult art.
A light here required a shadow there.
I always had the deepest affection for people who carried sublime tears in their silences.
I am in the mood to dissolve in the sky.
I feel all shadows of the universe multiplied deep inside my skin.
Distorted realities have always been my cup of tea.
If you do not tell the truth about yourself you cannot tell it about other people.
One cannot think well, love well, sleep well if one has not dined well.
I see you everywhere, in the stars, in the river, to me, you're everything that exists; the reality of everything.
Be truthful, and the result is bound to be amazingly interesting.
Just in case you ever foolishly forget; I'm never not thinking of you
I am rooted, but I flow.
I have a deeply hidden and inarticulate desire for something beyond the daily life.
You cannot find peace by avoiding life.
A feminist is any woman who tells the truth about her life
A self that goes on changing is a self that goes on living.
No need to hurry. No need to sparkle. No need to be anybody but oneself.