Ajahn Chah Quotes, Thoughts and images

Ajahn Chah Quotes, Status, and Thoughts with images.

Ajahn Chah Quotes

The heart is just the heart; thoughts and feelings are just thoughts and feelings. Let things be just as they are.

The Dhamma is revealing itself in every moment, but only when the mind is quiet can we understand what it is saying, for the Dhamma teaches without words.

Letting go a little brings a little peace. Letting go a lot brings a lot of peace. Letting go completely brings complete peace.

Mental activity is like a deadly poisonous cobra. If we don't interfere with a cobra, how poisonous it may be, it simply goes its own away.

Remember you dont meditate to get anything, but to get rid of things. We do it, not with desire, but with letting go. If you want anything, you wont find it.

When sitting in meditation, say, "That's not my business!" with every thought that comes by.

Only one book is worth reading: the heart.

If it isn't good, let it die. If it doesn't die, make it good.

If we see suffering then we don't have suffering.

Wisdom is in yourself, just like a sweet ripe mango is already in a young green one.

When the heart truly understands, it lets go of everything.

But when I know that the glass is already broken, every minute with it is precious.

We practice to learn how to let go, not how to increase our holding on to things. Enlightenment appears when you stop wanting anything.

If it shouldn't happen, it wouldn't happen.

All religions are like different cars all moving in the same direction. People who don't see it have no light in their hearts.

Looking for peace is like looking for a turtle with a mustache: You won't be able to find it. But when your heart is ready, peace will come looking for you.

If you see certainty in that which is uncertain, you are bound to suffer

To define Buddhism without a lot of words and phrases, we can simply say, 'Don't cling or hold on to anything. Harmonize with actuality, with things as they are.'

There are people who are born and die and never once are aware of their breath going in and out of their body. That's how far away they live from themselves

You are your own teacher. Looking for teachers can’t solve your own doubts. Investigate yourself to find the truth - inside, not outside. Knowing yourself is most important.

The serene and peaceful mind is the true epitome of human achievement.

Where does peace arise? Peace arises whenever we let something go.

If you want a chicken to be a duck, and a duck to be a chicken, you will suffer.

Happiness and suffering do not depend on being poor or rich, they depend on having the right or wrong understanding in our mind.

If you let go a little you will have a little happiness. If you let go a lot you will have a lot of happiness. If you let go completely you will be free.

Anything which is troubling you, anything which is irritating you, THAT is your teacher.

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The heart is just the heart; thoughts and feelings are just thoughts and feelings. Let things be just as they are.
The Dhamma is revealing itself in every moment, but only when the mind is quiet can we understand what it is saying, for the Dhamma teaches without words.
Letting go a little brings a little peace. Letting go a lot brings a lot of peace. Letting go completely brings complete peace.
Mental activity is like a deadly poisonous cobra. If we don't interfere with a cobra, how poisonous it may be, it simply goes its own away.
Remember you dont meditate to get anything, but to get rid of things. We do it, not with desire, but with letting go. If you want anything, you wont find it.
When sitting in meditation, say,
Only one book is worth reading: the heart.
If it isn't good, let it die. If it doesn't die, make it good.
If we see suffering then we don't have suffering.
Wisdom is in yourself, just like a sweet ripe mango is already in a young green one.
When the heart truly understands, it lets go of everything.
But when I know that the glass is already broken, every minute with it is precious.
We practice to learn how to let go, not how to increase our holding on to things. Enlightenment appears when you stop wanting anything.
If it shouldn't happen, it wouldn't happen.
All religions are like different cars all moving in the same direction. People who don't see it have no light in their hearts.
Looking for peace is like looking for a turtle with a mustache: You won't be able to find it. But when your heart is ready, peace will come looking for you.
If you see certainty in that which is uncertain, you are bound to suffer
To define Buddhism without a lot of words and phrases, we can simply say, 'Don't cling or hold on to anything. Harmonize with actuality, with things as they are.'
There are people who are born and die and never once are aware of their breath going in and out of their body. That's how far away they live from themselves
You are your own teacher. Looking for teachers can’t solve your own doubts. Investigate yourself to find the truth - inside, not outside. Knowing yourself is most important.
The serene and peaceful mind is the true epitome of human achievement.
Where does peace arise? Peace arises whenever we let something go.
If you want a chicken to be a duck, and a duck to be a chicken, you will suffer.
Happiness and suffering do not depend on being poor or rich, they depend on having the right or wrong understanding in our mind.
If you let go a little you will have a little happiness. If you let go a lot you will have a lot of happiness. If you let go completely you will be free.
Anything which is troubling you, anything which is irritating you, THAT is your teacher.